Italian Olive Oil Spray - shelf-life
"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
. net...
> "Dee Dee" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I don't know why this item has been hiding behind the fish sauce; but I'm
>>wondering (obviously since it is not refrigerator-able) just how long this
>>stuff will last. I'm going to replace it, but I'm wondering that when I
>>replace it, just how short a period of time I should be thinking about
>>using it 'up.' It's not in-expensive enough to toss every couple of
>> Any ideas? I don't think TJ's will know.
> You mean spray in a commercial can? Should last for many months at least.
> Light and oxygen are the two main culprits of OO and in a pressurized can,
> you have neither. I'd not be surprised to get a couple of years out of
> it.
Thanks, Ed. Yes, spray in a commercial can. I usually date things like
this. I shop at so many different stores; sometimes I put the name and
place of the store, too so I can find it again. My next can, I'll be sure
to do just that.
This situation sorta reminds me of Nick Stellino whom I saw the other day on
a program talking about aceto balsamic. He said that his grandmother had
bought a bottle years ago, giving little portions out over the years. He
said that when she died, there was still 1/3 bottle left and on any big
occasion, they will pour a 'drop' in honor of grandma.
Actually I wondered how big that bottle was. Surely bigger than the dink
bottle that we find now for $100.
Dee Dee
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort."