Italian Olive Oil Spray - shelf-life
Sheldon said...
> Andago <q> wrote:
>> I wouldn't refrigerate any pressurized cans.
> Not even Redi Whip?
OK, ya got me. Boy am I green...
>> I only used bottled olive oil and never had to toss any of it.
> That's because you're afflicted with TIAD.
You're getting awful careless tossing around that cheesy phrase.
>> I just leave it on the counter next to the cooktop.
> For how many years... vegetable oil, especially olive oil, is very
> light sensitive, olive oil even under the best conditions has only a
> two year shelf life... even the dumbest dago knows to store olive oil
> in metal cans, in a cool place.
I usually go through a one liter bottle about every 6-7 months.