Italian Olive Oil Spray - shelf-life
Michael wrote on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 22:50:16 +0200:
MK> "James Silverton" > schrieb
MK> MK> im Newsbeitrag news:wbTLi.1000$6Y5.986@trnddc07...
MK> I think so, too.
??>> "Extra-virgin" may be an attempt to sound like "virgine"
MK> "vergine".
??>> but "virgin" does have the meaning "pure" in English and
??>> not just humans :-)
MK> Then why not use "pure" ?
I don't market olive oil and "virgin" doubtless catches the
attention more than "pure". "Pure" may imply not having things
other than the named product but olive oil is a mixture of
various oils and the mix varies according to extraction method
and probably the weather at harvest.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: