bobdrob wrote:
> hi bob ( drink...) 2 things come to mind : take a hydrometer reading; if
> you're a 1.00 or less, it's done. We've had batches finish frmenting in the
> primary in 5+ days when the temp's been high ( greater boston area.) So if
> the numbers are right, don't sweat it... 2nd-B if the numbers are higher
> than 1.00, then your fermentation's stalled & you can restart it. Googling
> "restart stuck fermentation" will get you 65,000 suggestions... I like to
> culture a batch of lalvin 1118 for my jump-starts as it's been great with
> high alcohol levels. What is/was/were your : SG, type of yeast, type of
> wine etc... regards, bob
EC1118 is a good choice for stuck ferments, but there is a new strain,
Lavin 43. This stuff is great. If you can get a hold of it then use it.
Make sure that you use some sugar to help reactivate it after rehydration.
> > wrote in message
> ...
>>Something unusual happened this year. After barrel fermenting for 7
>>days, juice was pressed and transfered into demi-jons. However,
>>nothing is happening with bubblers. It seems to be wine already. Lots
>>of alchohol. It has been in the high 80's in Pittsburgh. Could 2
>>month's of total fermentation be done in 1 week? How would this affect
>>the wine taste.