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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default German Side Dishes...???

Dee Dee > wrote:

>"Steve Pope" > wrote in message

[ red cabbage and apples ]

>> I've used Helen Brown's recipes (there are two, I think) for this
>> dish and I like it. Not sure how well it goes over with a crowd.

>Yes, I'd like to try a recipe that is liked.

She has three red cabbage recipes total, but I'll just type in two,
one without apples and one with.

Red Cabbage #1 -- from Helen Brown

1 onion
1/4 cup butter
1 small red cabbage
1 cup red wine
1 t sugar
1/4 t ground allspice
salt and pepper

Cook the sliced onion in butter until wilted. Add shredded
red cabbage, wine, sugar, salt, pepper, allspice. Mix, then
cover and cook until cabbage is tender.

Red Cabbage and Apples -- from Helen Brown

1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup butter
1 medium red cabbage
1/2 cup red wine
1 T brown sugar
2 sour apples
salt and pepper

Cook the chopped onion in butter with the brown sugar. When
brown, add shredded red cabbage, wine, sliced apples, salt, pepper.
Cook until cabbage is tender.

The first of the above recipes is said to go with pork,
the second with goose.

For the wine, I think it's pretty clear you want something like
a gamay or pinot noir.
