German Side Dishes...???
Steve Pope wrote:
> She has three red cabbage recipes total, but I'll just type in two,
> one without apples and one with.
> Red Cabbage #1 -- from Helen Brown
> 1 onion
> 1/4 cup butter
> 1 small red cabbage
> 1 cup red wine
> 1 t sugar
> 1/4 t ground allspice
> salt and pepper
> Cook the sliced onion in butter until wilted. Add shredded
> red cabbage, wine, sugar, salt, pepper, allspice. Mix, then
> cover and cook until cabbage is tender.
> Red Cabbage and Apples -- from Helen Brown
> 1/4 cup chopped onion
> 1/4 cup butter
> 1 medium red cabbage
> 1/2 cup red wine
> 1 T brown sugar
> 2 sour apples
> salt and pepper
> Cook the chopped onion in butter with the brown sugar. When
> brown, add shredded red cabbage, wine, sliced apples, salt, pepper.
> Cook until cabbage is tender.
> The first of the above recipes is said to go with pork,
> the second with goose.
> For the wine, I think it's pretty clear you want something like
> a gamay or pinot noir.
> Steve
No pork fat? Bacon would add a lot of flavor and would be more traditional.