Italian Olive Oil Spray - shelf-life
"James Silverton" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Michael wrote on Mon, 1 Oct 2007 18:13:33 +0200:
> MK> "James Silverton" > schrieb
> ??>> I don't market olive oil and "virgin" doubtless catches
> ??>> the attention more than "pure". "Pure" may imply not
> ??>> having things other than the named product but olive oil
> ??>> is a mixture of various oils and the mix varies according
> ??>> to extraction method and probably the weather at harvest.
> ??>>
> MK> Many are a mix. But "extra vergine" is a mix of only "extra
> MK> vergine" OOs. Talking of oils : The only oil that needs to
> MK> be refrigerated is pumpkin-seed oil (Kuerbiskernoel).
> The statement is probably true that it's only extra-virgin but even that is a
> mixture of different fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic). If it were
> really pure it would all solidify at the same temperature and it doesn't!
We're talking past each other, I guess.
Of course the oil isn't homogenous; "extra-vergine" just refers to
the method of extracting said fatty acids from the olive.
In this case, the olives are squeezed between the legs of a virgin.
Oh, wait - wrong ng ;-P
Michael Kuettner