"Curt Nelson" <X> ha scritto nel messaggio
. ..
> Although I agree 99% with pasta cooks that oil is a no-no, this might be
> the exception to the rule if you plan on cooking pasta with a pressure
> cooker at your altitude. From what I understand, a couple of drops of oil
> will break the surface tension of the water enough to help decrease
> foaming, which might interfere with your cooker's pressure regulator.
> Either way, it's something to think about. For 50 cents worth of pasta it
> might be worth an experiment or two to be better safe than sorry. Best of
> luck.
> Hasta,
> Curt Nelson
I just can't agree with the pressure cooker idea. The same pasta can take
different times on different days or particularly for different sauces.
Slightly overcooked pasta can be horrible and slimy in cream sauces, for
example. You have to bite it to test it. You can't do that using a
pressure cooker. The pasta continues to cook while it cools!
So, it takes 25 minutes at her altitude. At least she ends up with edible
pasta. In a pressure cooker she'll likely end up with wheat jelly. I'd use
it for beans or perhaps stews or long cooking stuff, but never for pasta.--