Thanks everybody. I took the wait and see approach. Hydrometer
readings were good. Taste was good. Just very little, if any bubbling,
even after several days. By the way, grapes used were Tempranillo and
Zinfandel. I just never saw this happen before. Of course weather in
the 90's is a bit unusual for the end of Sept too.
On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 20:57:29 -0700, Tater > wrote:
>On Sep 28, 10:10 am, wrote:
>> Something unusual happened this year. After barrel fermenting for 7
>> days, juice was pressed and transfered into demi-jons. However,
>> nothing is happening with bubblers. It seems to be wine already. Lots
>> of alchohol. It has been in the high 80's in Pittsburgh. Could 2
>> month's of total fermentation be done in 1 week? How would this affect
>> the wine taste.
>look again after 24 hours. had a small batch that dropped from 1.080
>to 1.010 in 3 days. didnt have a small neough secondary so I put it in
>7 wine bottles, each with airlocks. took four hours for bubbles to
>start in a couple of them.
>about 1.5 gallons primary, 60+ temps, one packet of yeast (blue
>package, not lavin, recommended by shop) very weak bubbles, no foam,
>grapes(traded from plums). odd compared to what i've seen in my 3
>batches of plums and my wineexpert kit.
>best advice i've heard so far it to wait ind see, hence my lack of
>hour-by-hour posts