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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner for Grand Final night, last night.

Bobo Bonobo® > wrote in

>> > Basically a potato pancake, to which I added some leftover corn and
>> > some chopped up roast pork.

>> > We had one of those each and that was it for the nights dinner!!

> But was anyone fooled? I don't think that I could ever mistake a
> potato pancake for a fish.

"Meanwhile my mum rang so I chatted to her while it cooked. When I told her
I was cooking potato rosti, she said her mum used to make it on Fridays
(her family being good Catholics who didn’t eat meat on Fridays) and they
called it mock fish. She said they thought it was food for poor people and
were surprised when potato rosti became a bit posh. Interestingly,
according to the Rösti page on Wikipedia, this dish was originally eaten by
farmers in Switzerland (I looked for mock fish on Wiki but they are yet to
acknowledge that the potato-loving Irish had their own version). Rosti is
something you can dress up or dress down but it is mercifully easy, and
surely tastes much better than a wartime mock fish recipe I saw recently
while browsing in a bookstore."