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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Okay, Andy misbehaved. What have you done to 'get even' in a store?

Andy wrote:
> Christine Dabney said...
>> On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:39:40 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>>> Other than that on a few occasions when someone leaves their cart
>>> blocking the whole aisle, I'll drop a product into their cart when
>>> they're not looking. They can wonder about it and make a decision
>>> at check out.

>> That's not very nice either, Andy.
>> Not everyone pays close attention when they are checking out, and
>> some folks might be watching their pennies. If you do that, and they
>> aren't watching closely, you are adding something to their bill. I
>> would be rather upset if someone did that to me intentionally.
>> Would you want folks to do that to you?
>> Christine

> Harmless prank!
> I don't appreciate shoppers who after age 18 can't comprehend that
> they don't own the aisle their cart is blocking.
> People who are watching their pennies will be the FIRST to realize
> they don't want the item. Either they're watching their pennies or
> they're not watching closely. Can't have it both ways!
> Good grief...
> Andy

Andy, you're being a real ass about this. I watch every penny I spend. I
generally have a list and I try to stick to it. I generally know what's in
my cart. But depending on the item, there's a chance I might not notice if
something else got dropped in there by a "prankster" like you. There's no
excuse for being so infantile. The grocery store isn't there for your
