German Side Dishes...???
On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:45:46 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:
>We're having an Oktoberfest cook - out next weekend...
>Since I am The Official Provider Of Side Dishes For Cook - Outs I'm looking
>for idears for this cook - out. I'm making red cabbage and apples and will
>bring some sauerkraut, but I'm looking for other stuff, too. Anyone have
>any brilliant suggestions...???
Sour cream beetroot salad. Cooked beetroots, peeled, sliced, mixed
with sour cream, salt, pepper and lots of chopped green onions.
Semmelknödel - stewed bread balls.
Kartoffelknödel - stewed potato balls.
Nathalie in Switzerland