"Wcsjohn" > wrote in message =
> ... I have spent much time Googling with the string "emil hansen"=20
> techniques yeast "serial dilution" and many variations, adding
> in "laboratory" "microbiology" and "beer".
Google "streak-plate". You may find, for instance,
Another such technique is "pour-plate". That is consistent
with "serial dilution" but is more appropriate to counting
microorganisms than to isolating single colonies.
Those techniques are appropriate to microbiological labs,
but hardly to kitchens.
"Wcsjohn" > wrote in message =
> ... a little off-topic ...
Bread and beer can be made with very little knowledge of=20
microbiology. But posters to this thread may be interested in
and the references given there.
Be sure you understand all that before you attempt to bake
another loaf of bread.