"Omelet" > wrote in message

> In article . com>,
> Karen > wrote:
>> On Oct 4, 7:41 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> > I'd do them all at once. After you get them all boiled of course. Use
>> > a
>> > big bowl for the yolks and perhaps a potato masher to start with. You
>> > might
>> > then move on to an electric mixer after you get them initially mashed.
>> I think ditching approx 25% of the egg whites in the end makes a
>> better deviled egg. Boil 24 eggs, make 18 deviled eggs.
>> Karen
> Really?
> I _always_ end up with extra filling!
> --
> Peace, Om
> Remove _ to validate e-mails.
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their
> foot down." -- Steve Rothstein
Cook's treat!
Lynne A