Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:04:42 GMT, Reg wrote:
>>Sure. Here's a batch of my smoked bologna (which is to say,
>>mortadella without the garnish).
> You should post on alt.binaries.food. You can hit and run,
> that's fine. You don't have to followup if time is the iussue
> ;-)
So how'd you know time is *the* issue these days?
Must be the keylogger you installed on my machine.
> How did you achieve the emulsion for your bologna?
You need some relatively powerful equipment. I first tried
it in my old cuisinart which was a standard issue 7/8
cup model. It fried after a few batches, and the result
wasn't nearly smooth enough. Then I got a DLCXP 1 1/2 hp
which has held up well for several years. I don't expect
it will conk out anytime soon. If it ever does I'll have
to take things to the next level, whatever that is. Power
and sharp blades are key to emulsifying meats.
I use a 5-4-3 mix of lean, fat, and water, which is pretty
standard. I cube the lean, mix in the cure, run it through
the grinder, then grind the fat separately. Both get completely
Mix the lean and most of the ice and spin it in la machine.
Keep spinning and adding in more ice and the temp will drop. It
will go below 30 F, then begin to climb. When it hits 40 F add
in the fat and keep spinning. At 50 F add the nonfat powdered
milk. Mix it mercilessly now scraping down the bowl until it's
completely smooth, you have a light, spongy texture, and
the temp hits about 58 F.
Fold in your garnish and stuff into casings. The first few times
I tried poaching before smoking but with good fire control I
don't find it necessary. As long as you keep the pit temp stable
and well below 200 F everything works fine. If you overheat it,
the fat will run out and it'll be rubbery.
If you garnish with fat, do cure it first. If you get good
at making lardo, it might not survive long enough to use
in your mortadella. It's great stuff.