Hamburger at Sams
On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 10:22:26 -0500, "jmcquown" >
>Pete C. wrote:
>> Dee Dee wrote:
>>> I briefly heard on the news (radio) this morning something about
>>> Sams' hamburger. For those who shop at Sams, give it a listen.
>>> Dee Dee
>> More pre-formed frozen burger by-products. AFAIC anyone consuming
>> those things (can't even be called eating) deserves whatever ills may
>> befall them.
>LOL I have to agree. Sheldon bitches about people not people grinding their
>own beef and sausage. But if you buy frozen ground beef patties you really
>have no clue what you're getting.
They buy those things and then they insist on cooking them medium rare
or worse. It's like they *want* to get sick.