How much should I charge?
I took some homemade Danish pastries and croissants into work the
other day and now a co-worker wants me to make some for her. She said
she's willing to pay whatever I think they're worth but I'm not sure
what to charge her. I don't want to appear greedy but then I don't
want to cheat myself either. I figured up the cost of the ingredients
and it breaks down into this. The cinnamon pecan Danish cost me
between $.33 and $.38 a piece to make. The range is due to the fact
that some of the ingredients were on sale. The fruit Danish cost
between $.33 and $.50 a piece to make depending on what fruit I use.
I make my fillings from scratch. The croissants cost between $.19 and
$.24 a piece to make.
These take all day to make but I'm not actually working with the dough
all day. Most of the time the dough is resting in the refrigerator or
the formed pastries are rising. How much do you all think I should
charge her?