KFC Gravy Recipe
On Oct 6, 6:04 pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® > dropped this news:1191693834.589104.94740
> @w3g2000hsg.googlegroups.com: in rec.food.cooking
> > On Oct 6, 12:10 am, Myrl Jeffcoat > wrote:
> >> I'm almost too embarrassed to admit this - but I absolutely adore
> >> KFC's gravy. There seems to be some spice in it that I can't
> >> identify. Would any of you have a clue what KFC puts in their gravy,
> >> or have a recipe to make it?
> > Ever had Popeye's gravy?
> I have and it's good if you put some of those cajun sprinkle thingys in it.
> I like the cajun sprinkles they put in the bag. I've used it on other
> things in recipes here at home.
> Michael
> --
> Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their
> food, and tyrannize their teachers.
> - Socrates
> to email: dog3 at charter dot net
I don't "think" I've ever had "popeye" gravy. What is it?? I
remember as a new bride (many decades ago), I made gravy for the first
time. I used equal parts of milk, flour, and grease. . .It' rolled
out of the gravy boat, in one complete ball. My new husband said,
"You'll do better next time";-)
Michael, I love your "bi-lines" about kids. . .One of my favorites is,
"Raising kids today, is like nailing Jello to a tree."
Myrl Jeffcoat