Tuscany & Liguria
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 19:03:16 -0700, Reg wrote:
>>If you garnish with fat, do cure it first. If you get good
>>at making lardo, it might not survive long enough to use
>>in your mortadella. It's great stuff.
> I also meant to ask if you think phosphates are necessary for
> moisture retention.
In a word, no. I tried using phosphates several times. I agree that
there is a very slight increase in yield (i.e. less moisture loss
after cooking). I could never sense a difference in moisture level
or texture when eating them, though. Nothing. They didn't taste
any better, or any worse.
So, my take on phosphates is that it's a way to bump up the yield
a bit so producers can get a few extra cents on the dollar.