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Gregory Morrow[_2_] Gregory Morrow[_2_] is offline
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Default Thanx, But It Was TOO HOT...!!! (WAS: German Side Dishes...???

Christine Dabney wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:45:46 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
> >We're having an Oktoberfest cook - out next weekend...

> >Since I am The Official Provider Of Side Dishes For Cook - Outs I'm looking
> >for idears for this cook - out. I'm making red cabbage and apples and will
> >bring some sauerkraut, but I'm looking for other stuff, too. Anyone have
> >any brilliant suggestions...???

> >We are grilling various wursts and such...

> German Potato salad!!!

It was TOO HOT for an "Oktoberfest" sorta cook - out, at least for me

Yesterday (Oct. 7th) was SUFFOCATING hot in Chicago, with temps and
humidity around 90, and a dew point that was 70+. I decided to stay
home in the air conditioning instead of sweltering around a grill in a
backyard with no discernible breeze...had an ice cold chicken - veg
salad and a yogurt smoothie here at home.

I have today off so will check with the gang over drinks later to see
how it went...I know they had a lot of stuff planned, including IIRC
sauerbraten. Hope the beer was cold at least (they have a large
"party fridge" in the garage for beverages)...

As some of you may have seen on the nooze, the Chicago Marathon was a
fiasco yesterday, with people literally dropping (in one case, flat
dead) to the pavement because of the heat. The marathon was cancelled
half - way through...even experienced and very fit runners were
aghast, saying it was the worst marathon they'd ever run because of
the heat. They guy that died, BTW, was a very fit 35 year - old cop
from Michigan...

The East Coast was torrid too, I heard that a runner in DC died from
the heat...

In any case, thanks to one and all for the suggestions, when it COOLS
off I'll be considering all of them for autumn/winter...

