Oh pshaw, on Wed 10 Oct 2007 09:17:52a, margaret suran meant to say...
> Count wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I cant find a recipe for half sour pickles. I purchase them at the
>> Shoprite supermarket. All the recipes I find for pickles have vinegar.
>> The ones I purchase do not have any vinegar. The label says contains
>> Cucumbers, water, garlic, salt and spices.
>> Any help in finding a suitable recipe would be appreciated.
> From Google:
> http://members.tripod.com/~Lasaan/ca.../halfsour.html
Regardless of what recipe you use, remember to trim off the blossom end of
each cuke after washing the cucumbers.
Wayne Boatwright
The Rule of Fives states that all things happen in
fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of
five, or are somehow directly or indirectly
related to a five.