Black And Jewish
> -Yes but it's not that I'm 'specifically hiding' my identity any more than
> -anyone else. I'm not crouching behind a cyber dustbin frantically biting
> my
> -lip in fear of being caught out or anything. How would it make any
> -difference to you or anyone on here if I were to give my real name ? You
> -would still be none the wiser as to who I was and still not know whether
> it
> -truly was my real name either.
> -OK my name is Alfred Hinglebottem, is that better ? Can you take me more
> -seroiusly now I've revealed who I really am ?
> actually, yes, you are still specifically hiding your identity.
> that still says a lot about you.
> for example, you do not stand behind what you say,
> but rather avoid responsibility for your words.
> You do not want them associated with you.
> no wonder.
I think you're a wind up