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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,101
In article .com>,
> "Nancy Young" wrote:
> > "Sheldon" wrote
> >
> > > Home grown:
> > >
> >
> > > Din Din:
> > >
> >
> > Nice! Did you eat that whole steak by yourself?
> Are you kidding, with six cats I was lucky to get some... they can eat
> faster than I can slice... I think they ate more than half.
> My cauliflower and cabbage were small this year but still very good.
> But my first attempt at growing celery surprised me, what a difference
> from store bought, a rich aroma, remarkable flavor, and it's the
> crunchiest! And I have five more still in the ground. Now I need to
> perfect my celery growing, I need to plant them much closer together,
> I found out that they grow more compact if they touch and they will
> also self blanch... the one necessity however is a long growing season
> (5 months) and plenty of water. I think anyone can grow celery, needs
> very little space, a square foot will easily grow four bunches. So
> now we know what to plant in that wet spot.
> You'd think after that nice dinner I shouldn't be hungry, but I'm
> starving. Why, because I get my flu shot tomorrow and at the same
> time I'll get my yearly routine fasting blood test, no eating/drinking
> from 9PM.
> Sheldon Eieio
Nice - this year I did tomatoes (Cherry and Big Boy). My problem was
that they were so close together I got a bunch of hybrids. They were
tasty though.
And the plants are budding again. I'm going to pull them inside with a
grow light. Make the law enforcement folks go crazy.
I also had zucchini, which btw is re-flowering too. And I also tried
dill and rosemary but discovered that they do not like direct sunlight.
Plus the little animals like the flavor too so they got destroyed fairly
Next year I'll branch out a bit. In the interim I've got a Spider plant
that's absolutely huge and a Chinese ornamental that I brought back from
the brink. Sadly I couldn't save the other one.
Here's the garden:
The Spider Plant:
The Chinese ornamental:
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