"T" > wrote in message
. ..
> In article >,
> says...
>> "T" > wrote in message
>> . ..
>> > In article >,
>> >
>> > says...
>> >> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >> > JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> Wish I could do that. But, the Italian woman across the street made
>> >> >> a
>> >> >> face when I offered tomatoes. Said she hates them. Offered basil,
>> >> >> and
>> >> >> she
>> >> >> asked what you're supposed to use it for.
>> >> >
>> >> > <clutches chest in pain> That is shocking to me. How could she not
>> >> > know?!
>> >> > What a maroon.
>> >>
>> >> I have absolutely no idea. But, it makes me appreciate my son even
>> >> more.
>> >> He'll try absolutely anything, except raw tomatoes. I don't think he'd
>> >> go
>> >> this far, either, but you never know:
>> >> http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu...eoid=24073 81
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > The video has been taken down. In any case as a kid I didn't like raw
>> > tomatoes but I developed a taste for them in my early teenage years.
>> >
>> > The strange part is I'd eat tomato sauce on pasta no problem when I was
>> > a kid.
>> >
>> Yeah...same with my kid. Fresh tomato sauce, cooked for only 20 minutes,
>> and
>> he's fine with it. But, never tomatoes, uncooked, on a salad.
> Make a nice tomato salad. That's what eventually brought me around.
> Just slice the tomatoes up, sprinkle with a little salt, pepper, oregano
> and I do use powdered garlic too. Olive oil, balsamic vinegar and if you
> like a little basil.
Tried it. He won't touch it. I'll sometimes put little pieces of chopped
tomato in mac salad. He'll eat everything but the tomatoes, leaving them in
a little pile on the plate. He's not crazy about green peppers, either, but
if I use my filet knife to shave them really thin (only in his salad),
they'll cling to the lettuce and get past his security apparatus. The other
trick involves distraction. Put enough of his favorite colorful stuff on top
of the salad, and he's like Homer Simpson when he sees donuts or beer. His
definition of salad: about half the size of a basketball.
Give him 2 lbs of fresh mussels and a 6 slices of good French bread, and
he's in heaven. He'll eat an entire cantaloupe, no problem. TV snack: 15-20
whole leaves of Romaine lettuce with Italian dressing as a dip. Other
favorite snacks (grouped by event): 3 apples, 3 peaches, 4 bananas, 2 cups
of yogurt with fresh fruit and granola, 1 slice of leftover pizza with 1/2
cup of feta melted on top, doused with Jack's Red Hot Sauce, dipped in blue
cheese dressing with each bite. Half an apple pie with a huge glass of 20%
cranberry juice/80% water. For the occasional sin, 20 Weaver chicken nuggets
completely soaked in hot sauce, then dipped in blue cheese dressing. 1-1/2
grilled cheese sandwiches (never one or two) each with 1/4 cup of mustard
and thinly sliced dill pickles in with the cheese, and it has to be Land O
Lakes sharp white American -never the yellow cheese.
He's 6'3", 170 lbs, all muscle. It's scary. But, he came back from college
last weekend and said "I gotta show ya what I learned in karate. This is so
cool." It didn't work. He's got the muscle, but not the physics yet. I put
him on the rug ten times and he decided maybe it was time to watch the movie
we rented and have one of his car-size snacks. :-)
I love being his chef. :-)