Ready to try Rye (I think)
Madcat wrote:
> Sam,
> I'll see If any of the dud bread is left (they liked it at work). I
> think the problem was 2 fold.
> 1. I Think I added to much flour. Your description on how the dough
> should look/feel convinced me of that
This would be a hydration (water amount/total flour weight) issue.
Little water can cause dense crumb (small holes) as well.
> 2. I mixed the bread before work and let the rise happen in the
> fridge. I got a doubling (or nearly) but then as per the recipe I
> punched down and it never really came back up (Dough may have never
> fully warmed)
With your mix - 55 % rye, 45 % bread flour, you may get second rises and
do it with the 2 x rise method.
If you have your bread in the fridge for ~ 6 - 8 hours, then punch it
down, it takes long time - maybe 4 hours to come back up again.
> On the bright side we had a fully developed rye flavor
For first time - good!