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On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 09:02:59 -0400, "<RJ>" >

>I just finished reading the "nutrition" article in TIME magazine.
>They've convinced me;
>Reduce sugars, rice, processed flours etc,
>and eat more "Whole Grains".
>They even gave a hint; "Barley is a whole grain"
>But when I go to my grocers, what should I be looking for ?
>I don't just want to buy a bag of whole-wheat flour.
>Is Grits a whole grain ? Raisin Bran ? Oat meal ?
>( these all sound like breakfast foods )
>Any help here on which prepared foods are "whole grain" ?

Here's an introduction:


Yours is not a simple question. You're going to have to read labels.
Rather than dive headfirst into a barrel of whole grain, try adding a
few different grain products to your cooking. Bulgar wheat is
processed to a certain extent, but a more nutritious product than
white rice (pilaf, etc.). Grits and many corn products have the fiber
and bran stripped off -- not whole grain (corn on the cob or, I
suppose, from the can is a whole grain). Plain ol' Cheerios are whole
grain (who knew?), but not Puffed Wheat. One point to note is that
most whole grain products have a shorter shelf-life than their refined
counterparts -- oil in the bran/germ can make brown rice and whole
wheat flour go rancid. If you don't use it up quickly, refrigerate it.

As for "prepared foods," the proportion of whole grains in many
supermarket products is low. Try health food stores for whole grain
pastas, flours, mixes, etc. Wholegrain bread tends to be dense and
heavy. If you make bread, try substituting *some* whole wheat or other
grain in a regular recipe. Add a bit of oatmeal or barley to a sloppy
joe-type prep or use in meatloaf.