Spring-roll wrapper dilemna
I haven't seen anyone make spring roll wrappers but one technique used to
make a super thin tortilla or crepe is to pour some batter into the pan,
swirl it around, and then pour it out of the pan leaving a very thin coating
on the pan to cook. You might need to trim the edge you pour off of or push
that batter down the side before it sets.
"Jose Capco" > wrote in message
> I have been eating my mothers spring-rolls for many years, and I loved the way
> she cooked it. I have helped her a few times in cooking them, but now that I
> try to cook them on my own I am having a hard time. The ingredients I used seem
> to be fine, 1cup flour, 1 cup starch, 3-5 cups water and some salt. The problem
> is actually the uniformity, proper thickness (the thing should be as thin as a
> paper and yet as flexible as rubber), and radius control.
[moderator snip of excess quoting - please people, take more care over your