Odd Dream
I'm not sure what it says about Saturday's slate of college games (Va. Tech
won, Georgia won, LSU and Cal got upset) but I just woke up from a sound
sleep to realize that I'd spent the last hour or two (or whatever -- who
knows how long dreams actually "take"?) dreaming about making maple syrup
I've often made pralines, New Orleans style, but never with maple syrup
before. Now I have the ugly feeling I'm going to *keep* having this dream
until I give in and actually make 'em.
I don't *normally* have incredibly detailed dreams about cooking. Usually
about ex-girlfriends, annoying customers, or the time Mr. Peabody, Mo Udall,
and I defeated the evil forces invading the Mysterious Planet of Large-
Breasted Women.
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no
god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
"There's hits in chicken." -- Wade Boggs