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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default (2007-10-14) New survey on the RFC site: Doggy Bags...

ChattyCathy wrote:
> Vote now! (or not)

"MCINL" for all

I rarely take home leftovers for me but I do "Pussy" bags.

If my cats can eat it or I can toss it out for the critters I bring it
home... in fact whenever there's a basket of leftover bread./rolls I
slather it with all the butter on the table, the birds and other
critters need to eat too... why should it go in the dumpster... I hate
wasting food. You'll never find anything edible in my trash can, it
either gets fed to critters or gets fed to my composter... the
composter contains critters too, just much smaller... all those woims
and microbes mean my soil is safe. Doesn't bother me one bit that
there are nibbles and holes in my veggies (I'm sure you've noticed in
my pics, I don't try to hide them), means if they're safe for the
critters they're safe for me. Didn't any of yoose ever wonder why
those veggies sold as organic have no woim holes, 'cause they not,
you're getting ripped... in fact you're paying double because they
take the pains to choose the nicest looking unblemished produce from
the regular veggie crates to pile into the organic bins... and I don't
care who says, there is no such thing as organic insecticide... if
there's no evidence of creepy crawlers it ain't organic, no way, no
I could have easily saved my beets from the moles. The only reason
there was an abundance of moles this season is because there was an
abundance of Japanese beetles this year. Japanese beetle grubs are
mole's favorite food... had I laid down chemicals to kill the grubs
the moles never would have come around and then they'd not have found
my beets... just that simple. But I'd rather forego the beets then
poison all my other veggies.

And pheremone traps don't work.
