(2007-10-09) New survey on the RFC site: Hard-cooked/Hard-boiled eggs
"margaret suran" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Michael Kuettner wrote:
>> "margaret suran" schrieb
>>> Eliza wrote:
>>>> Why would you think that he thought you were cheating ?
>>>> Eliza
>>> Why would I think that he thought that I am cheating? Because he said so.
>>> *Sob*. Eine furchtbare Schande!
>> Why do you think that that's a furchtbare Schande ?
>> Willst Du darüber sprechen ?
>> Eliza
>> Hmm, will I pass the Turing test ....
> Sorry, I do not know what a Turing test is.
The Turing test is applied to programs. It tests whether they
could pass as humans.
So far none, even Eliza, managed to pass the test.
> Glauben Sie nicht es ist eine Schande eine Schwindlerin genannt zu werden?
Nein, nicht in diesem Kontext.
> I found out that HAL is a Canine Being, something like Cerberus was to Hades,
> only HAL guards rfc. This satisfies my hurt feelings and damaged reputation
> and I hope that this will be the end of this thread.
"HAL" : Always take the next letter and you'll find another of Kubrick's gems
Ending thread now, after clearing up loose ends.
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