Thread: Food Prices
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Nancy Young
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Default Food Prices

Dog3 wrote:
> I'm not a cheap person at the market and I'll pay whatever it takes to get
> the food I want. This store lockout is killing me. I'm shopping at Ladue
> Market and Straubs. I do go to Aldis but they don't stock a lot of things
> I like. Groceries were $198 this morning. I'm not talking extravagance
> here. I bought staples. Cereal and milk. I *did* buy a large sirloin
> steak and I did buy some deli food. Oh hell, my question is what do people
> pay to feed their households a week?

You know, I really should know the answer to that question as the
person who takes care of the money, but the fact is, I really don't.
Probably 100 a week in the store, but then there's the pizza or
chinese food delivery ... that's probably another 20-30. And how
much of my grocery shopping is other stuff like tissues and whatnot.

At any rate, I do shop the sales and use coupons and my (dare I say
it?) card, so I don't think I'm too extravagant. If I want something,
I will buy it. Eh, I went through times when that wasn't an option,
so what the heck.
