Thread: Berries
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Default Berries

Okay, so I've made that Hot Nutty Butternut Squash, as posted by
Lorraine, and it turned out very good (not exactly health-food; but,
considering how rarely I can get butternut squash, it's hardly anything
to sweat over). I've saved the other recipes for next time I manage to
find butternut squash.

Now: in order to get the currants for that recipe, I bough a 300g packet
of frozen, mixed berries, so I could pick out the currants and toss the
rest in the freezer, before it defrosted too much (okay, so some
blueberries also made it into the dish, but who cares?), so now I have
the rest of the packet in my freezer, containing strawberries,
raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, plus whatever currants I
might have missed, due to having to sort them out so fast.

As odd as it might sound: I don't have any ideas as to what to do with
them, apart from eating them with (soy) ice cream or similar, and I
don't want to do that. I'd especially appreciate any non-dessert ideas
for using those berries.
Nikitta a.a. #1759 Apatriot(No, not apricot)#18
ICQ# 251532856
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