"Reseasoning" Calphalon
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"Reseasoning" Calphalon
In article >,
(Mark Shaw)
>I have a Calphalon saucepan that's been losing its finish on the
>inside-bottom. The other day I made things even worse -- I was
>reheating some pork ribs in BBQ sauce (think: tomatoes and sugar)
>in it, and let it get a little too hot a little too long.
>I think I got all of the burnt tomato crap off the pan with a
>plastic scraper and a mildly abrasive scratch pad, but of course
>now it's really in need of some attention.
>The question is, what can I do for it?
A proper burial would be nice... or simply use it as the ordinary aluminum pan
it truly is... anodizing on cookware is simply temporary decor, now it has that
weathered look.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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