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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Healthful Hardee's

Sarah Gray wrote:
> the "sausage" that they use for those things is gross. full of bits of
> cartilage and fat.

Are you serious or being faceitious... all preground mystery meat is
made of scraps, does anyone really think they're grinding up perfectly
good steaks... what do you think any restaurant burger is composed of,
no different from the garbage at the stupidmarket meat case. It never
ceases to amaze me how folks will bash the fast food ground meats yet
feel no remorse whatsoever buying just as awful crap (probably worse)
to cook with in their own kitchens. If anyone thinks the sausage they
buy at the market is any different from what's served at restaurants
they're nutz. And the ground meat sold at fast food joints is
typically better quality and more consistantly so than what
stupidmarkets sell, because whenever any business buys any product in
such huge volume they get to dictate the specifications. There is one
way and one way only to know what/who is in your ground meat, and
that's to grind it yourself. The majority of you have never tasted a
good burger. If folks would grind their own it wouldn't too very long
before there'd be no fast food burger joints and stupidmarkets
wouldn't be selling preground mystery meat. Imagine, the very same
imbeciles who argue how to grill a steak and roast a prime rib are the
very same ones who eat preground mystery meat... ya know what, I don't
believe those mystery meat eaters ever eat steaks and roasts.. they
live exclusively on fast food boogers and sloppy joe type concoctions
they make at home with pre ground mystery meat.