Healthful Hardee's
Stan Horwitz > wrote:
> In article 1>,
> "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> > Sheldon > dropped this news:1192593585.990772.211880
> > in
> >
> > >
> > > "It makes this big country breakfast portable," he said.
> >
> > IMO, this is one of the most absurd sentences I have ever read regarding
> > fast food.
> This sort of menu offering is absolutely insane. It speaks to a total
> disregard for any sense of corporate responsibility. Hardy's should have
> at least offer a version that uses egg substitute, turkey bacon, low fat
> cheese, and low fat sauce, which would bring its total fat and calorie
> content way down and still be filling and reasonably tasty.
They could do that, but I bet they wouldn't sell any. Seriously, they are
offering a product that people can buy or not as they choose. No one even
has to go to a Hardees if they don't want to. No one who does go has to
order this item. No one who is trying to eat healthfully is going to go
to Hardees in the first place, or at least not very often.
Really, I've had enough of my mother telling me not to hang out with
the "wrong crowd" while I was growing up. I don't need the "Concerned
Scientists" or the government or any other busybodies tut-tutting over
this. Sheesh!
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.