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Ophelia wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 18:10:19 +0100, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I mean haters and losers who have nothing else better to do than
>>>>> nit- pic othere postings.and thw funny thing is the haters and
>>>>> losers do not have the balls to even post their profile.who you
>>>>> all hiding from or scared all are pathetic.
>>>> What "profile"? This is Usenet, not some Internet chat forum. If
>>>> you don't like the SPAM, filter it out. If you don't like a
>>>> thread, don't read it. If you don't like a particular poster,
>>>> block them.
>>> but, but, but Jill, if they do that they won't have anything to
>>> complain about )
>> god knows jill never complains about posters here.
> Nor me <G>
Gee, was I complaining? I thought I was simply educating someone who hasn't
contributed anything except for pumpkin ice cream (shudder) recipes (twice)
and bitching about how this is supposed to be a cooking group! Mea culpa