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Default "Reseasoning" Calphalon

PENMART01 wrote:
> In article >, (Mark
> Shaw) writes:
>> I have a Calphalon saucepan that's been losing its finish on the
>> inside-bottom. The other day I made things even worse -- I was
>> reheating some pork ribs in BBQ sauce (think: tomatoes and sugar)
>> in it, and let it get a little too hot a little too long.
>> I think I got all of the burnt tomato crap off the pan with a
>> plastic scraper and a mildly abrasive scratch pad, but of course
>> now it's really in need of some attention.
>> The question is, what can I do for it?

> A proper burial would be nice... or simply use it as the ordinary
> aluminum pan it truly is... anodizing on cookware is simply temporary
> decor, now it has that weathered look.

I despise hard anodized cookware. I remember about 5 years ago when you
accused me of wanting to swipe my brothers Calphalon... yeah, right Then
that year for Christmas I asked for a wok and he got me a hard-anodized
piece of crap stir-fry pan, which I used once and is still in the closet.

Last time I went over there, his Calphalon was in the spare bedroom and he'd
bought a new set of plain aluminium pots & pans from Target.

I love my old Revere Ware!
