On Oct 8, 5:20 pm, Bi!! > wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2:54?pm, wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I need to get some objective feed back from the online wine community.
> > I figure by now alot of you have seen a few hundred wine sites and you
> > know what you like and what you don't. Well after 6 months of
> > development and the choice to build this wine site than buy a house I
> > need some objective feed back. I am not looking for roses or anything
> > I want to know what you really think. Is it good, bad or ok and then
> > if you don't mind "why".
> >www.grapefoot.comAwine site for everyone. Written by everyone. Share
> > your knowledge. Share your experiences. Share your passion.
> > Since this is a wine experience posting area I'll share the last wine
> > I tried, it's a super cheap but good Argentinian
> >http://www.grapefoot.com/wine/Pampas...ay_506_828.htm...
> It would help if you named the wines in the blurbs instead of forcing
> folks to click on the blurb to find out who the maker is.
> Additionally the site seems very commercial and I would hesitate to
> sign up figuring that I would be asked to buy something at some
> point. Perhaps it was the glowing reviews of Yellowtail (which I had
> to click on to find out that it was Yellowtail) that made me think
> that I was being set-up for a sale.
Well the site is designed to look good and be functional. As of yet
its not fully functional. The person who put in the Yellow tail gave
all the yellow tails a glowing review. that was her choice. You can
review the wine and put your negative review in if you like. Or you
can add wines you like and then review them.
The info listed for the yellow tail is the winery's description so you
will see that text all over the web, we handle user descriptions as
reviews. This is in response to Steve's post below.