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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default My *obsession* with trans-fats

On Oct 20, 8:20 am, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® > dropped
> > My original post had to do with getting the stuff out of my son's
> > school. Feeding it to children is unconscionable, and my public
> > health concerns extend way beyond there. I feel pretty much the same
> > about public smoking, and people exposing children to second hand
> > smoke. Both issues are moving in the right direction, but absurdly
> > slowly.

> The second hand smoke "movement" is completely out of control. I agree
> that smoking should be illegal in public places such as museums,
> government buildings, office buildings etc. OTOH I take strong issue with
> legislation in the works to begin fining people for smoking "in their own
> cars" while they have children inside of the car. I also think banning
> smoking in a bar is ridiculous. Is it good to smoke in the car with
> children on board? Hell no it isn't. Should state government be allowed
> to tell us what we can and can not do in our own cars/homes etc.? Hell
> f*cking no! I will fight this legislation with every bit of energy I
> have. OTOH, if they make cell phones illegal EVERYWHERE, I might consider
> the smoking legislation.

You smoke? Jeez! Aren't you both all-but-married to a physician, AND
self-described as "really prone to pneumonia"????

I dislike cell phones too, but the only place they really annoy me is
when other motorists use them. The Symphony requires them to be
turned off.

I know it's tough. Nicotine is *so* addictive. Quitting cigarettes
was far more difficult than drastically cutting down on alcohol for
me, and I still occasionally use nicotine gum when I do drink, but
think how much better food will taste.

> As for the public schools, I'll support a
> healthier diet for kids in the schools. Nutrition is very important to
> kids.

Eliminating trans-fats is top of the list. Reducing high glycemic
foods is important too, and the more fresh veggies the better.
Yesterday, my son told me, "Joachin finished his whole school lunch."
Seems that all year, no one has ever done that in any of the
kindergarten classes. "He even ate all his salad," according to
Johnny. This was a big deal to him, and we praised his friend for
having done that.
> Michael
