How much do you spend on groceries?
On Oct 20, 10:56?pm, Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 17:38:38 -0700, Sheldon > wrote:
> >On Oct 20, 7:13?pm, Sky > wrote:
> >> Sheldon wrote:
> >> > On Oct 20, 11:49?am, Mitch@... wrote:
> >> > > I have a family of 5, and my food budget is $500/month.
> >> > That's $3.32 per day per family member, that's about a dollar per
> >> > meal... your family eats well below poverty level. It costs more to
> >> > feed a cat.
> >> How do you figure it costs more than $3.32/day to feed one cat, unless
> >> you mean the cat in question isn't a typical household feline? My two
> >> house cats are fed one can of 'wet' cat food per day between the two of
> >> them, and that can costs about $0.50/can, if it's not on sale. So,
> >> that's about $15/month. That does not count the price of dry food,
> >> though. Cat#2 does need to be put on a 'diet' though, since she's
> >> getting a bit too plump!
> >My cats stay the same weight regardless how much they eat, in fact I
> >wish Jack and Jilly would gain a couple of pounds but no matter how
> >much they eat they burn it off, especially Jack, he eats the most yet
> >he weighs the least, only 11 pounds.
> >My cats get unlimited premium brand dried food, there's a gravity
> >feeder filled at all times. They each get one of those 50cts cans of
> >Fancy Feast at some point each day, that's how they get their meds,
> >crushed pills mixed into the seafood variety, their favorite. They
> >also share in whatever I cook for me, if I roast a chicken the six of
> >them can easy polish off half, When I grill pork chops I make four,
> >two for me, two for them, if I grill a porterhouse they can easy eat
> >1/3+, they actually eat more of the meat than me and they get the
> >entire filet. Plus they get all kinds of snacks each day... they love
> Sheldon, your cats eat better than my husband and I do! (we do buy the
> felines a premium canned food but they only get one can per day shared
> between the three of them... plus kibble
One teensy can for three cats... why bother... I think that's child