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Default "Reseasoning" Calphalon

(Mark Shaw) wrote in message >...
> I have a Calphalon saucepan that's been losing its finish on the
> inside-bottom. The other day I made things even worse -- I was
> reheating some pork ribs in BBQ sauce (think: tomatoes and sugar)
> in it, and let it get a little too hot a little too long.
> I think I got all of the burnt tomato crap off the pan with a
> plastic scraper and a mildly abrasive scratch pad, but of course
> now it's really in need of some attention.
> The question is, what can I do for it? Any ideas? Thanks!

Clean it really well and send it in for replacement. It has a
lifetime warranty. If you live in an area with high lime content in
the water, the anodization will wear off over time. I've sent in 3 or
4 pans (purchased in 1984) over the last few years and all were
replaced free of charge. I'm not really careful with mine, and a
couple looked pretty bad. They replaced them anyway. I cleaned
everything with the Dormond cleanser made for Calphalon before I sent
Here's a link with info on where to send it:

I love my Calphalon and use it multiple times daily.
