I use low carb bread for homade stuffing. Talk about being able to have
your cake and eat it too! I figure a 1/2C serving is the equivalent of 1
slice bread. Such a deal!!!!
"t2_lurking" > wrote in message
> One of the things that came with my wife was her family's concept of
> stuffing instead of bread.
> This might be good for you, Julie, in particular.
> --
> --
> t2_lurking
> geabbottATabbottandabbottDOTcom
> Do not mail to t2_lurking (auto-delete)
> ============================
> Well, i dreamed i saw the silver
> Space ships flying
> In the yellow haze of the sun
> -- Neil Young --
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > For years now, I've been making that quickie stuffing and adding plenty
> > finely diced carrots, celery and onion. I also add additional parsley
> > sage for extra flavor. . I also use less butter than is called for.
> > the stuffing tastes just as good. If using raw veggies, you need to
> > them first in a little water or broth before adding to the stuffing.
> > more veggies you add, the less carbs in the stuffing. I usually add
> enough
> > veggies to double the amount of stuffing.
> >
> > Tonight, I didn't have much time to cook, so I added dried veggies to
> > stuffing. It came out just as well.
> >
> > I think I will look up some recipes though. The quickie stuffing
> > those dratted trans-fats and is made with either white bread or corn
> bread.
> > It would be nice to make it with whole grain bread.
> > --
> > Type 2
> > http://users.bestweb.net/~jbove/
> >
> >