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Asian Cooking (alt.food.asian) A newsgroup for the discussion of recipes, ingredients, equipment and techniques used specifically in the preparation of Asian foods. |
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is found at:
http://vsack.bei.t-online.de/afa_faq.html and is as follows: The Usenet newsgroup alt.food.asian was created in the fall of '96 by Mike Sullivan. Charter: alt.food.asian is a newsgroup for the discussion of recipes, ingredients, equipment and techniques used specifically in the preparation of Asian foods. The following is, unfortunately, scanty and sporadic, but picking up of late. People who just "find" us and ask for a recipe "just like at my favourite restaurant" tend to walk away empty handed and the following links are designed to help those to help themselves. I will try to look at every link mentioned in posts to a.f.a, but I'm human, and if you find a unique site with pictures of ingredients, or a good encyclopedic treatment of an Asian food (e.g. a complete miso page), cuisine or cooking technique, please email it to me. Additionally, although many FAQs are answered in the sites below, I'm slowly gathering the *V*FAQs (very frequently...). Suggestions and entries for this category are welcome. I'm not doing this for fame or profit, and if anyone else is more ambitious than I, feel free to snag any or all of this for your attempt. blacksalt INGREDIENTS: Site with photos of tropical fruit says: "Common and Latin names are linked to pictures and five groups of fruit have a good deal of written information on fruit usage, including recipes.": http://www.proscitech.com.au/trop/fruit.htm Good pictures of Asian vegetables, with common names in many languages: http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/trade/asiaveg/thes-00.htm Filipino veggies scanned! Actually, they look like photos: http://www.tribo.org/vegetables/sampler.html Guide to Thai veggies, with nutritional info. At least visit the map of Thailand made of veggies: http://www.ku.ac.th/AgrInfo/fruit/veget/index.html Thai fruit. Click on the photo of the fruit to get detailed info including how to eat: http://www.ku.ac.th/AgrInfo/fruit/ Photos of many Asian veggies and tropical fruits. Mushrooms, also. Not strictly Asian: http://coosemans.com/guide.php Purchase plants like neem, pan, tulsi, etc. to grow at home. Indian focus, with lots of jasmine plants, too. A USian company: http://www.bhatia-nurseries.com/ Purchase seeds for Asian veggies. Several varieties of each. USian company. Includes pictures: http://www.evergreenseeds.com/evergr...ableseeds.html Site of sites for herbs and spices. Many languages. Stop to browse and stay all day: http://www-ang.kfunigraz.ac.at/~katzer/engl/index.html For quality spices, USENET users praise Penzey's to the stars. The catalog is fascinating, as well: http://www.penzeys.com/cgi-local/Sof...html?E+scstore "Everything you need to know about glutamate and MSG": http://www.ific.org/publications/brochures/msgbroch.cfm Wasabi--Commerical site with useful information: http://www.freshwasabi.com/about.htm General ingredients site with many pictures of beans, noodles, sea vegetables, etc. used in Asian cooking. Helpful in identifying the interesting ingredient you brought home from the Asian market: http://www.foodsubs.com/ Great pictures for identifying that vegetable you brought home from the Asian market: http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/...cts/98-033.htm GENERAL ASIAN RECIPES: Most famous megasite for recipes. Used to be known as SOAR: http://www.recipesource.com/ Large list of links to many cuisines: http://members.tripod.com/~veema/food.htm Lawrence Wheeler's page: http://asiarecipe.com/ Homepage of an enthusiastic cook, who posted here under the name Zygot. His instructions for preparation of Asian dishes are detailed, assuring success. The 6+ dishes I've tried have come out beautifully: http://www.geocities.com/wjmarkca/ Bill Wight is an exceptionally good pack-rat, and has archived many recipes: http://home.earthlink.net/~wwwca Central Asian: http://russia-in-us.com/Cuisine/Dadiani/asia.htm Large site with Malaysian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese and other cuisines. Select the Thai option to access Muoi Khuntilanont's Thai Kitchen, which previously had its own Web site: http://www.makantime.com/recipes.htm Largest list of links so far: http://www.cbel.com/asian_recipes/ Scroll down for links to Arabian, Chinese, and Japanese food sites: http://www.lingualearn.co.uk/food.htm Crimean Tatar dishes: http://www.euronet.nl/users/sota/recipes.html AFGHAN: Several recipes, a little short on instructions, but some with pictures: http://www.afghan-network.net/Cooking/ BHUTANESE: Only a very few recipes, but look authentic: http://members.tripod.com/thinley/recipe/Foodintro.html Recipes from Assam, Bhutan, Northeast, and Foothills of Eastern Himalayas: http://assam.faithweb.com/recipe/ BURMESE: Overly "cute" site, but many recipes and reasonable instructions: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/...1/Recipes.html Wide variety of recipes for things as basic as Burmese beef stock: http://www.myanmardotcom.com/FoodDrink.aspx CAMBODIAN: Many recipes from an ethnic group of SE Asia: http://www.khmerkromrecipes.com/ A few recipes that sound good. Check out the potato and pumpkin pudding: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/khmer/food/food_set.htm CHINESE: Dozens of recipes arranged by region, from the unusual ("medicinal cooking") to names often seen in USian Chinese restaurants ("Fried Dragon Leg"): http://www.chinavista.com/culture/cuisine/recipes.html Multitude of Chinese recipe links: http://members.fortunecity.com/oldman88/CFN_recipes.htm Large site with much info: http://www.chinesefood.about.com/ FILIPINO: Links to several pages: http://www.tribo.org/filipinofood/food2.html Few recipes but lots of detailed background on food and eating in the Philippines: http://www.toad.net/~cabinjohn/ Looks very authentic, with good photos: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/T...cuisine_fs.htm HAWAIIAN: As varied as the cultural makeup of Hawaii: http://www2.hawaii.edu/recipes/ Several Asian cuisines from a Hawaiian's standpoint. If you miss the Asian food you had in Hawaii, try this spot, although the Haole dishes make this Haole cringe: http://kalaniosullivan.com/General/Opinions-k2.htm INDIAN SUBCONTINENT: Many categories, each with several recipes: http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com/recipes/ Many diverse dishes from three chefs: http://www.bawarchi.com/index.html Lots of dishes: http://www.daawat.com More dishes: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/9843/menu.html Links, links, links: http://www.khoj.com/Life_and_Family/Recipe/ Megasite with many Indian food links: http://www.gadnet.com/recipes.htm Large site with recipes, information, and links to buying products: http://www.deliciousindia.com/ An Indian food and ingredient glossary: http://bbcb.co.uk/modules/xfsection/...p?articleid=32 North and West Indian recipes: http://www.bitusvegetariancafe.com/india.html Many recipes, instructions not very complex, however, several Indian-style Chinese (e.g. Chili Paneer or Veg. Hakka Noodles), which is the rage in many Indian communities: http://www.ruchiskitchen.com/ruchiskitchen/recipe.htm Large introductory site with pictures and descriptions of the Indian food usually eaten in the US. Glossary and links about Indian culture, especially Hindu, as well: http://www.cuisinecuisine.com/HomePage.htm BALTI! India via Birmingham. With links to other Brit-style Indian cooking: http://www.owlsprings.com/the_balti_page.html Goan: http://www.goacom.com/cuisine/ Several sites of recipes posted by Keralan home cooks: http://www.123kerala.com/recipes.html http://www.my-kerala.com/p/cook/ http://www.voiceofkerala.com/viewrec.asp?from=KER http://www.newkerala.com/recipes/ Marathi dishes: http://theory.tifr.res.in/bombay/his...e/marathi.html Orrisan dishes: http://members.tripod.com/oriyakitchen/ South Indian: Reasonable renditions of traditional South Indian dishes: http://www.sysindia.com/kitchen/ Sindhi Cuisine: Not actual recipes, but some instructions and nomenclatu http://theory.tifr.res.in/bombay/his...ne/sindhi.html "World-wide Indian Grocery Shops List", though none listed in Asia! The ones I know of look current: http://members.tripod.com/~m_gopal/ Make a tandoor oven: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/...3012/page2.htm Buy a tandoor oven. US company: http://www.gulati-tandoors.com/type.php?pg=typic Large Pakistani site. Better sounding meat recipes than many Indian sites, and the chaat (snacks) look excellent as well. Not *long* on directions, so if you are new to Asian sub-continent cooking, you might ask for some help on afa: http://www.contactpakistan.com/pakfood/ North Indian words relating to food translated into English: http://theory.tifr.res.in/bombay/his...ine/vocab.html FAQ for uk.food+drink.indian. A work in progress for Westerners new to Indian cooking: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/ejones/ufdi/faq.html INDONESIAN: Moderate number of recipes in several categories: http://www.melroseflowers.com/mkic/index.html Smooth site with a variety of recipes and pretty good instructions: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Indonesia...es/default.htm JAPANESE: DIY sushi: http://www.rain.org/~hutch/sushi.html alt.food.sushi's FAQ: http://www.sushifaq.com/ An unobtrusively commercial site: http://www.black-kat.com/blackmoon/food1.html Many recipes, with step by step photos: http://www.openkitchen.net/frame/recipe-ef.html 103 recipes in English, some under a Kyoto cuisine subheading. All are translated from the Japanese: http://www.bob-an.com/recipe/English/index_e.html A Japanese food dictionary, with useful links: http://www.sushi.infogate.de/lang.htm General site on sushi. Look under archives for recipes: http://www.stickyrice.com/sushi/sushi.shtml Sushi restaurant reference: http://sushiref.com/ Okonomiyaki, the versatile Japanese pancake: http://www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/okonomi.htm Sound recipes from books that are for sale. Clear instructions: http://www.bento.com/tokyofood.html Mom's home cooking and they mean it: http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~chrkaji/yasuko/index_e.html In-depth descriptions of Japanese food. Lots of info: http://www.media-akita.or.jp/akita-s...ta-shokuE.html Japanese Food Treats from the Countryside. Photos and descriptions rather than recipes: http://www.pref.kagawa.jp/eizo/vol003/en/index.htm Okonomiyaki, Japan's versatile pancake: http://markun.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp/hob...i/index-e.html Sushi Encyclopedia: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/maryy/eng/eng.htm KAZAKH: The site that follows looks authentic. The unit of measure, piala, is a handleless bowl that a lab tech native to the area told me was 200-250 ml. That is, about a shy cup: http://www.kz/eng/cooking/cooking.html KOREAN: Moderate-sized site about several aspects of Korean cooking, with recipes: http://www.geocities.com/ypmljulia/index.htm Moderately-sized site covering typical Korean fare, with pictures of finished dishes: http://www.english.dprkorea.com/tour....php?ca_no=659 Interesting facts, careful instructions, and good photos for making kimchi: http://www.korea.net/koreanculture/kimchi/kimchi.html All about Kimchi, which obviously inspires love and loyalty in many: http://park.org/Cdrom/Pavilions/Kimchi/emain.html Pleasing introduction to traditional Korean foods, including some info I've never seen anywhere else. The kook recipes look especially good: http://eng.joy2food.com/theme/kimch/kimch_00.asp A few Korean recipes with detailed instructions. These inspire confidence: http://fishinnards.com/archives/cat_recipes.html 82 authentic-looking recipes: http://www.ssoft.co.kr/Cuisine/koreafood/pint_01.htm A comprehensive kimchi site: http://www.kimchi.or.kr/english/ Moderately large, smooth site with good info: http://www.koreankitchen.com/ Gorgeous site with info and many recipes: http://www.clickasia.co.kr/about.htm LAOTIAN: Interesting recipes. Many require dried water buffalo skin: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/lao/other...ods/recipe.htm Many pictures of dishes from a cuisine not well know here, but only about a dozen recipes: http://www.laopress.com/news/laofood/default.htm MALAYSIAN and SINGAPOREAN: Many, many Malaysian recipes, alphabetical by Malaysian name, with English translation following: http://thestar.com.my/kuali/ Recipes from Raffles Hotel, a Singaporean site, but the recipes wander all over Asia. These look good, folks: http://www.asiacuisine.com.sg/recipe...parent=raffles Thirty-plus not-too-hard Malaysian recipes: http://www.regit.com/regirest/malays...ipe/recipe.htm MONGOLIAN: A brief introduction to Mongolian cooking, with a few recipes: http://www.viahistoria.com/SilverHor...anCooking.html NEPALESE: Click on Creative Nepali Cooking for several interesting-looking recipes: http://members.tripod.com/regmit/ Many Nepali recipes: http://www.info-nepal.com/society/recipes/recipes.html PERSIAN: Two Iranian sites, long on recipes, but skimpy of instructions: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/...arian/recipes/ http://www.iranchamber.com/recipes/recipes.php SRI LANKAN: Several links: http://dmoz.org/Home/Cooking/World_C...an/Sri_Lankan/ All the following sites were pointed out to me by real live Sri Lankans as "authentic" and full of desirable recipes like Mummy used to make: http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~v53ash/recipie.html http://infolanka.com/recipes/ http://www.infolanka.com/org/srilanka/food/recipes.html http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/town...20/recipe.html THAI: Author Kasma Loha-unchit's site: http://www.thaifoodandtravel.com/index.html A commercial site, but many recipes, hints, and an "ask the chef" option: http://www.thaigrocer.com/Merchant/index.htm Commercial site, but not intrusively so: http://www.importfood.com/recipes.html 21 recipes and growing: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/P...4/recipes.html Good-looking recipes and lots of background info: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Thai/food/food.htm Many recipes with instructions that seem complete, but may need a little reflection, and many authentic ingredients: http://www.nikibone.com/recipe/thai.html Wide variety of recipes with careful instructions: http://www.thaitable.com/thai/recipes/index.asp Commercial site with numerous recipes and handy pictures of the ingredients they sell. I'm betting "parsley root" is coriander root: http://importfood.com/recipes.html Commericial site (check out their cooking utensils) with recipes for typical foods seen at USian "Temple lunches": http://www.templeofthai.com/thai_rec...i_recipes.html Several good-looking recipes with photos of the finished product: http://www.northernthailand.com/cm/r.../thai-recipes/ Thai food dictionary: http://www.asiatour.com/thailand/e-02trav/et-tr152.htm UZBEK: Moderate number of fairly simple recipes: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/lolamk/dishes.html Lots of simple recipes: http://cookbook.rin.ru/cgi-bin/cookb...sine=42&nat=42 Only seven recipes, but detailed instructions. Site only works with Internet Explorer, it seems: http://www.abasayyoh.com/uzbekistan/...y/cuisine.html VIETNAMESE: Good instructions: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/vietnames...mese_foods.htm Six classic dishes with careful instructions: http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian...ut/19/v10.html VFAQ: What is the secret to fried rice? Many have noted that the secret is day-old rice. I suggest starting with "non-sticky" white rice (i.e. a non-sushi or non-dessert rice such as Cal-Rose), cooking it in not too much water (mushy won't work), fluffing and let cool with the cover off, refrigerate overnight, break up the clumps with your fingers and use this rice for such dishes as Pork Fried Rice. The other secret is commonly known: have your pan and oil very hot before putting in the ingredients. What are good vegetarian substitutes for fish products? I picked this off a flashy commercial site because it looked like a 'feature of the month', and might vanish: FISH SAUCE "Nam Pla" in Thai. A thin, amber colored, salty sauce, is the predominant seasoning sauce used in Thai cooking. In Thai vegetarian cooking, fish sauce is usually substituted by a Light (thin) Soy Sauce. However, to maintain the taste and smell of fish sauce, a minimal amount of soy sauce is used , but add additional salt and solids of two vegetarian ingredients, salted yellow beans and fermented tofu (bean curd), a pungent product of cubed tofu pickled in brine, sometimes with chili added. OYSTER SAUCE "Nam Mun Hoy" in Thai. Oyster sauce is used in some Thai dishes. It is a rich, thick brown sauce made from fermented dried oyster. Sin Tai Hing/ Vegetarian Oyster Sauce is a 100 percent vegetarian version made from mushroom and vegetable protein. It can be used in any recipe as a vegetarian substitute for oyster sauce. SHRIMP PASTE "Kapi" in Thai. Kapi is a salted-fermented shrimp product used widely in Thai cooking to give the food its characteristic deep and vibrant flavors. Kapi can be substituted with various salt-fermented soy bean products such as yellow bean sauce, Chinese bean pastes, fermented tofu in brine. DRIED SHRIMP "Goong Haeng" in Thai. Dried shrimp has been replaced by a variety of bean products, roasted nut or coconut. Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: blacksalt > |
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