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JaKe 25-11-2003 03:43 PM

Bagel question
Made my first batch of bagels last night using the recipe from the NY
Times Jewish cookbook (Claiborne's recipe). They turned out really
nice! But they really stuck to my cookie sheet. Is this because the
bagels had a bath in the sugar/malt water and the sugars baked itself
to the sheet? How can I prevent this from happening again?

Happy Thanksgiving!


barry 25-11-2003 04:40 PM

Bagel question
Use parchment paper.


"JaKe" > wrote in message
> Made my first batch of bagels last night using the recipe from the NY
> Times Jewish cookbook (Claiborne's recipe). They turned out really
> nice! But they really stuck to my cookie sheet. Is this because the
> bagels had a bath in the sugar/malt water and the sugars baked itself
> to the sheet? How can I prevent this from happening again?
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> JaKe
> Seattle

[email protected] 25-11-2003 05:25 PM

Bagel question

On 25-Nov-2003, (JaKe) wrote:

> Made my first batch of bagels last night using the recipe from the NY
> Times Jewish cookbook (Claiborne's recipe). They turned out really
> nice! But they really stuck to my cookie sheet. Is this because the
> bagels had a bath in the sugar/malt water and the sugars baked itself
> to the sheet? How can I prevent this from happening again?
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> JaKe
> Seattle

Sprinkle corn meal on the cookie sheet before putting the bagels on, not too
heavy, just a light dusting. It will work like ball bearings and keep the
bagels from sticking.

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Baldy Cotton 25-11-2003 10:26 PM

Bagel question
Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>But they really stuck to my cookie sheet

Corn meal IS the answer, but not supermarket corn meal. It's far too
fine and will just absorbe into the bagels.

Go to a bakery (when it's slow) buy a loaf of bread and a muffin or two
for good will and ask them to sell you a small bag of coarse corn meal.

alzelt 26-11-2003 08:18 AM

Bagel question

JaKe wrote:
> Made my first batch of bagels last night using the recipe from the NY
> Times Jewish cookbook (Claiborne's recipe). They turned out really
> nice! But they really stuck to my cookie sheet. Is this because the
> bagels had a bath in the sugar/malt water and the sugars baked itself
> to the sheet? How can I prevent this from happening again?
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> JaKe
> Seattle

Suggestyou first put down some parchment on the sheet before you put
down the bagels. They will stick from time to time. Another option is to
first spray some oil on the sheet as well.

"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener

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