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Posts: 163
Default Who are you...?

Bob (this one) wrote:
> chembake wrote:

I have dealt with people worse than you are in the kitchen and
incidentally many of them are wonder....your behavior
struck a chord
You share the same sensitivity....and shallowness...

I was wondering these guys can chop onions without tears but I realize
moat of them are onion skinned...<Grin>......

Belief or non belief on what I said does not matter....It does not
change the truth..what my background and capability is...
No worries.... Enjoy your delusion of who I am....LOL

> >><LOL> Not only nasty and a blowhard, but an inventor of "sayings." Bwah

> >
> > As you never travel are ignorant of the adages from other
> > countries....

> <LOL> I've lived in six countries. I've visited a couple dozen. It looks
> like you just make things up - pull your insults out of thin air. My
> first language was Italian. Second, Sicilian. Then English. French.
> Spanish, to speak to my relatives in Central America. A good bit of
> Japanese. The odd bit of German, enough to get around the country.

Well you never been to Asia and that is where that saying I stated
earlier come from...

Regading languages...I have also lived in many countries can speak also
some other languages ( Arabic, German, French, Spanish, Mandarin and
Cantonese,,,some Bahasa Malaysia ), but it does not matter here ..?
Besides many sayings that comes from Asian countries ... are not well
known by can they read the calligraphy...?
> Here, blowhard, a basic truth. For an insult to have any effect, it has
> to have at least a modicum of truth.

Well WINDBOB ....if you are hurt by my statement then there is a grain
of truth in the proverb that you refuse to accept as you never heard
But wait....if you are affected by it....there should be grain of truth
and there was no need to elaborate further....

> >>You can lead a horse to water, but you can't grow moss on a rock. Oh,
> >>look. I invented a "saying" just as meaningful.

> >
> > Indeed you invented should be a rolling stone gathers no
> > moss.....

> How unutterably dense you are. I was mocking you by deliberately making
> a hash of a "saying."

Is that so.?...WINDBOB are really fuming mad when you are

> > You should have said..also can't pull a stubborn donkey to cross
> > the river.but you can drag a hog to a muddy puddle.....

> <LOL> No doubt translated from the original Pee Wee Hermanish. How
> simply and ridiculous. How meaningless.

Its The same with your statement.....

> > that is more appropriate to you.
> > That is why
> > You are in a soaked in a mire of your own ......may I ask did you find
> > pleasure in it like a pig?!


Look Lad .....
You meant you are scissors... I am rock... or paper ?<grin>
We can play that game if you want....<grin>..

> > are creating the problem that bothers you....if you find
> > thatt my post pricks your onion skin and hurt you then that is your
> > should have not done this masochistic act.........

> <LOL> And here you are claiming superior understanding. And then you say
> something as basically stupid as this.

Even no matter how you interpret those statement... there is no denying
that it reminds you of your childhood....

> > Indeed its confirmed you are petty person....A lot of those people
> > avoid me lke a plague<grin>.
> > As They don't mess with me therefore I don't make a mess out of
> > them....

> In your dreams, illiterate one...

HA! HA! Windbob ...I think you should go back to
kindergarten,,,,My cousin is currently a teacher....I might recommend
you to her class...From what state are you..?
I can spend for your scholarship...including boarding ...? as I will
have you put in the Guinnes book of records.....for that...? for being
The oldest kindergarten student...?
Is it okay with you...?
I am certain the kids wouldn't mind having a clown with an apron and
toque....wearing clogs...?juggling peeled onions...?

> > then there is peaceful coexistence<grin>... and important issues are
> > discussed...instead..

> I thought you couldn't say anything more moronic than you already have,
> but I was wrong.
> Your blighted idea of "peaceful coexistence" is to be free to offer all
> your crippled, insulting vulgarity to whomever you want, whenever you
> want, and they remain silent. And that's your idiot definition of

Windbob your shallowness cannot fathom ,,,peaceful coexistence that
exist among individuals that occasionally are in conflict due to
difference in personalities,background, race and perceptions.....
In my workplace
Regardless of the difference they managed to
coexist....harmoniously....and it was proven... even if some of my
fellow workmates don't like me we managed towork together to a common
goal... that led to the the success of the company that employed
That is what I call peaceful coexistence in real sense...
People with personalities that clash can still live and work
harmoniously to a common goal...
But I doubt can achieve are so consumed with
I was worried that you are having hypertension....?///

> And there you go with your boastful "important issues" which seem to
> reside just in your ability to post splashes of your vast capacity for
> denigration and humiliation on others.

WindBob the only thing that'is humiliating is if its true....and if
what I said really hit your HARD...

> > In my workplaces .....petty people don't play with me due to their
> > hypersensitiveness to my barbs...but try to avoid it by talking what is
> > important fot the company's business. and other relevant
> > there is no disagreement...but mutual respect...

> So let's see. Your barbs are the basis for respect? Could you be less
> aware of the people around you? Could you have less understanding of the
> real bases of respect?

Windbob still have a lot to really need to go back
to school
Regarding respect
...Indeed....unfortunately for guy of your kind will be very understand .. that there are times that respect is earned
that way.....By recognizing that somebody does not want pettiness to
consume the precious company time on senseless discussion...
And having somebody around to tame those kind of discussion is
sometimes necessary..
Even in the court room...the judge is order to keep the
session in order...
Is there something hitleresque about that...?

You are of the Hitleresque notion that if you hit
> others hard, they will respect you. They may fear you. They may find you
> repulsive. They may think of you as a nasty fool. But no one will base
> respect on your ability to harm them, to inflict hurtful words. Only a
> bullying idiot would even begin to believe that.

Windbob....I think you really see it to the extreme....are you a
Jew...? as you seem to be reminded by the holocaust...?

> >>Say smug, nasty shit and then excuse yourself for it. As though it
> >>somehow demonstrates anything but a crippled and cramped mind. As though
> >>it were reasonable and useful to behave this way

> >
> > I reiterate.....what ever your opinions...about me......if that makes
> > you happy then rejoice...
> > It doesn't diminish my worth.....

> My opinion will have no effect on your worth. Your behavior will. Your
> nastiness will. Your desire for triumph over others will. Your pride in
> what you think is your ability to hurt will.

Nastiness is a relative cousins children find their mom to
be nasty...but their playmates find her nice...

My niece thinks that his teacher in Science is nasty. And strict after
she was scolded....but her other classmates think the old lady is nice
and disciplined as she is helpful to students who abide by her rules
but not anybody who does not toe the line...


Desire for triumph is not the right word here....relentless ness in my
pursuit is the way...
I think I am succeeding...I might have raised your blood pressure to

> > Besides
> > I can't do nothing more to a shallow person ..I can maul him to no end
> > and he bleeds more....but what can I do if he has a masochistic turn
> > of mind...?
> >
> > I believe
> > That is what happening to you...<grin>...

> That's mostly because you aren't very bright nor are you very
> perceptive. But that's only to be expected from a fool who claims
> humility but posts these empty boasts and threats.

Again your words reflect your spiteful nature....does it change
You may lose your marbles if you insist in your way<grin>>.

Wait tell your better half to get the sphygmomanometer ....
Hating me is your futile attempt to downgrade me....
But does it affect me....nope <grin>..

> > If You feel offended by my remarks......then stay away from me for your
> > health sake....
> >
> > Just remember...there is no end to the venom I can spew on you...!

I said that as I think you are hypersensitive ....who know you have
heart in the kitchen and always under
prone to such ailment .
I have seen in one occasions a chef just fall down from heart add insult to injury...his hand stiffened and was grasping
the sauce pan with boiling water in it. as he fall down scalding his
face and chest...
That is why I was warning you...If you don't like being insulted stay
away...from me for your health sake...

> <LOL> What a fearsome sort you are. That big red nose is scary. So are
> the long, floppy shoes. And that huge orange wig...

Nope not exactly....I am too pretty to be a clown....People don't
find me funny anyway...
But I am certain that you have the potential....when you are angry you
become funny...LOL
No need for floppy shoes....your chef clogs will can dance a
jig if you like...?

> It is a very telling situation when you take pride in your capacity to
> "spew venom" rather than the information you carry, your skills. You
> really believe you're scary. You really believe that your off-the-mark,
> juvenile insults are striking the target. You really that you are a
> person to fear.

Regarding skills and knowledge I don't need to explain about
that...and it does not matter how hard your try to deny believing those
capability will not change anything...
You are still not on par along those line I am sure of that.

> Sorry. You're a blustery windbag. Toothless old lion roaring into the
> wind striving to strike terror into the hearts of those around you. But
> you're just another malevolent little boy sitting at your computer,
> bloviating and frothing to no purpose or avail.

No need for apology....that was what your hate filled thoughts can
think of....
You are the ones who is deeply enraged here ...not me....<grin>..

I having fun stoking your 'stove ' raise your temperature and
blood pressure...?

Follow me...
Lets do some exercise....
Please remember the episode in Karate kid movie...?
Breathe in ....breath out....wax in ...wax out....<grin>... do that as
you clean the tiles of your kitchen...
> You're all talk. And not very well-done talk at that.

Really.. LOL !..thats what you never know me in its
Ha Ha......
Besides talk is cheap....and that what guy like your deserves ..
......Besides don't have the means of understanding technical
terms...specially now that your feelings is consumed by hatred...

I can imagine your hands is shaking....with a meat cleaver... while
chopping meat thinking it was me....
Again....release your tension...leave the knife on the table...
Grab the sponge...face the kitchen walls
Breathe in...breath out....wipe in...wipe out...

> I made bread today. Half the batch had fresh garlic in it. The other
> half, aged Parmesan cheese. Lovely. We'll make panini this evening.

Is that something to be proud of ....making bread?/// I did that for
more than three decades...
Ah..I ...a bakery apprentice is always proud of his
first bread...
Congratulation on your first bread Bob...!

Show it to the head chef <grin>>..
He might ask you to make some pizza...!

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