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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

My wife and I have just returned from Whole Foods Market's new store,
which is near our home. I've been fairly jaded about organic, free
range, vegetarian. . . etc. foods, preferring just the normal stuff.
I've smoked a few pounds of pork, ribs and beef in my life and now do
mostly grilling due to time. Whole Foods Market is an Austin company,
now pretty much nationwide, that caters to the organic and vegetarian
type of folks, and charges very well for doing it. I've been in the
store a couple times, but this is the first time I was tempted to
purchase anything.

What we purchased was some pulled, smoked pork. They have a large
smoker at the store and do chickens, turkey, sausages, brisket and pork
butt/ribs. What surprised me was their price for the pulled, smoked
meat. We got a pound of pulled pork for $4.99/# That's incredible for
the finished product, but I was skeptical of how it would taste. Now at
home, and haven eaten some, I can report that it's (almost) as good as
what I used to produce myself in my own smoker. The meat was pulled and
chopped in its own juice, with nothing added. There was a good blend of
crust, smoke ring and inner meat, with little fat. You serve yourself
from a tray, spooning it into a carry-home half pint, pint or
quart-sized container. They also have a wide selection of seafood,
beef, pork and poultry that appears to be top of the line. For
instance, the store by us has a visible cooler where they dry age beef
before putting it out for sale.

Here's their URL

If they have a store in your area, give it a try and see what you think
of their smoked meats.

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

In, Nonnymus > wrote:

> I can report that it's (almost) as good as
> what I used to produce myself in my own smoker.

High praise, indeed. Especially for a supermarket. Hell, there's very
few restaurants which make good Q, much less supermarkets.

The Whole Foods around here have excellent meat. They are one of the few
places with dry-aged prime beef, and the fish is always very fresh. The
prices are sky high, however, and I can get almost-as-good meat at BJ's
for a fraction of the price.

They also have good coffee. They roast it in the store, using good beans.
It is almost as good as the stuff I roast myself.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
--Edward R. Murrow
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

"Nonnymus" > wrote in message
> My wife and I have just returned from Whole Foods Market's new store,
> which is near our home.

<snippage, which is speaking text based usenet>

I've found that they do their homework and can't say bad things about 'em
(which ****es me off to no end, lol)

Thanks for the report; I'll be on the lookout for Q at Whole Foods.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

Last night, I did an incredible 1-1/4# fillet of Monkfish I got at Whole
Foods. Poor Mrs. Nonnymus (for those of you who took Latin, her name is
Nonnymas <grin>) went ape over it, bathed in just a little Hollandaise I
whipped up. I took a couple bites over to a neighbor's and now he's
combing through my trash looking for what it was and clues about how I'd
done it. The place is great.


Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 13:35:57 -0700, Nonnymus wrote:
>> If they have a store in your area, give it a try and see what you think
>> of their smoked meats.

> I forgot to mention that I have tried their house-smoked fishies
> and they're pretty darn good. But it's $20-$25/lb depending on
> the species.
> -sw

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

In, rev > wrote:
> Think Murrow stole quote from this person-

> A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.
> -- Henry de JOUVENEL

It sure looks that way!

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
--Edward R. Murrow
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:02:33 -0700, Nonnymus >

>Last night, I did an incredible 1-1/4# fillet of Monkfish I got at Whole
>Foods. Poor Mrs. Nonnymus (for those of you who took Latin, her name is
>Nonnymas <grin>) went ape over it, bathed in just a little Hollandaise I
>whipped up.

Give the following recipe a try next time you get your hands on some
firm, fresh halibut. It's outstanding, and I'll bet the recipe would
work well with monkfish.


If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we
would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.
--David Boreanaz as Angel in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> Give the following recipe a try next time you get your hands on some
> firm, fresh halibut. It's outstanding, and I'll bet the recipe would
> work well with monkfish.

Thanks. I got another fillet of Monkfish for tonight, and will see how
it comes out. The traditional sauce/side for Monkfish at our favorite
restaurant was Ratatoulie, which can be thought of as an overcooked
veggie mix with seasoning.

I like Ratatoulie, but Hollandaise is just too good and too easy to whip
up. . . and makes a base for Bernaise with the leftover.

BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish

If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

In article <8eVRg.118$gM1.71@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:

> BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish
> If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
> Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

Damn.. That's one big mouth of teeth! I'd hate to have one of them
swim up behind me while swimming in the ocean only to have it take a
big bite of my rear end! How big a mouth is that anyway? It looks
like I could put my whole hand easily in there!

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 11:29:53 -0700, Nonnymus >

>BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish
>If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
> Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

Called "poor man's lobster" in parts of New England.

If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we
would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.
--David Boreanaz as Angel in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

They run up to about 60#, and are a member of the shark family. The
Monkfish is also known as the Angel Fish and (as previously noted) also
called Poor Man's Lobster. I read about a group that tagged some, and
they all noted the "aggression" of the Monkfish AFTER it had been placed
on the deck of the boat. I'd guess the head on a 60# one would be about
8-10" across, so yes, you could probably put both hands in the mouth.

About any fish can bite, I definitely remember the day my buddy, Big
Jim, grabbed an 24" Northern out of the live well to show it to me. I
spent about ten minutes butterflying the poor guys fingers.<grin>


Rick F. wrote:
> In article <8eVRg.118$gM1.71@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:
>> BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish
>> If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
>> Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

> Damn.. That's one big mouth of teeth! I'd hate to have one of them
> swim up behind me while swimming in the ocean only to have it take a
> big bite of my rear end! How big a mouth is that anyway? It looks
> like I could put my whole hand easily in there!

.. . . wofse, what if you were skinny dipping at the time?

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

For anyone growing up in the Ozarks, here's a familiar sight. People from outside
southern MO, TX and Arkansas refuse to believe there is such a critter
as this. I have personally caught a smaller version of this. For anyone
wanting to see them live, the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco has
three 6' ones swimming around.


Rick F. wrote:
> In article <8eVRg.118$gM1.71@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:
>> BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish
>> If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
>> Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

> Damn.. That's one big mouth of teeth! I'd hate to have one of them
> swim up behind me while swimming in the ocean only to have it take a
> big bite of my rear end! How big a mouth is that anyway? It looks
> like I could put my whole hand easily in there!

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

In article <yGZRg.128$gM1.76@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:
> For anyone growing up in the Ozarks, here's a familiar sight.
> People from outside

Damn... I'd hate to run into that thing late at night.. That is one nasty
looking critter..

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 16:26:07 -0700, Nonnymus >

>They run up to about 60#, and are a member of the shark family. The
>Monkfish is also known as the Angel Fish and (as previously noted) also
>called Poor Man's Lobster. I read about a group that tagged some, and
>they all noted the "aggression" of the Monkfish AFTER it had been placed
>on the deck of the boat. I'd guess the head on a 60# one would be about
>8-10" across, so yes, you could probably put both hands in the mouth.
>About any fish can bite, I definitely remember the day my buddy, Big
>Jim, grabbed an 24" Northern out of the live well to show it to me. I
>spent about ten minutes butterflying the poor guys fingers.<grin>
>Rick F. wrote:
>> In article <8eVRg.118$gM1.71@fed1read12>, Nonnymus wrote:
>>> BTW, I looked up a photo of a Monkfish
>>> If I knew years ago how ugly they were, I'd have never tasted the meat.
>>> Now, it's still an old family favorite when you can find it.

>> Damn.. That's one big mouth of teeth! I'd hate to have one of them
>> swim up behind me while swimming in the ocean only to have it take a
>> big bite of my rear end! How big a mouth is that anyway? It looks
>> like I could put my whole hand easily in there!

>. . . wofse, what if you were skinny dipping at the time?

Yes, a monkfish mouth is plenty large enough to do serious damage to
you. They have a 'demo' buried in the ice at one of the fish stands at
Pikes in Seattle. The guys-behind-the-counter get their jollies
having it 'leap out' at the tourist gawker types. [They have the thing
on the end of a broomstick under the ice and watch carefully for a
suitable 'sucker'].

Our Angel fish once 'gummed' my daughter when she was finger feeding
it. Don't know who was more surprised.

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

Dan Krueger wrote:

> I believe that most people can choose which one they want to
> make a movie, is it all in public domain and drag it back under
> copyright. [image of the waves of copyright closing over the
> head of the Dragon 11. Mars is nearest ~.55 AU receding malefic.
> -adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min Hey thanks everyone for all
> the conspiracy killings he supposedly had a hand in that, too...
> no, some of us used to have many friends (or at least the
> handles) aren't at all the big and little churchs and the many
> dipsticks who follow their ways.

Can I have some of what you're drinking?

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 21:17:12 -0700, Nonnymus >

>Dan Krueger wrote:
>> I believe that most people can choose which one they want to
>> make a movie, is it all in public domain and drag it back under
>> copyright. [image of the waves of copyright closing over the
>> head of the Dragon 11. Mars is nearest ~.55 AU receding malefic.
>> -adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min Hey thanks everyone for all
>> the conspiracy killings he supposedly had a hand in that, too...
>> no, some of us used to have many friends (or at least the
>> handles) aren't at all the big and little churchs and the many
>> dipsticks who follow their ways.

>Can I have some of what you're drinking?

It's a 'bot, though much more coherent than Dank in the flesh.

If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we
would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.
--David Boreanaz as Angel in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 21:17:12 -0700, Nonnymus >
> wrote:
>>Dan Krueger wrote:
>>>I believe that most people can choose which one they want to
>>>make a movie, is it all in public domain and drag it back under
>>>copyright. [image of the waves of copyright closing over the
>>>head of the Dragon 11. Mars is nearest ~.55 AU receding malefic.
>>>-adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min Hey thanks everyone for all
>>>the conspiracy killings he supposedly had a hand in that, too...
>>>no, some of us used to have many friends (or at least the
>>>handles) aren't at all the big and little churchs and the many
>>>dipsticks who follow their ways.

>>Can I have some of what you're drinking?

> It's a 'bot, though much more coherent than Dank in the flesh.

Keep telling that story, Kevin...
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Whole Foods smoked meat

On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:13:43 +0000, Euclid Uranium wrote:

>> They run up to about 60#, and are a member of the shark family. The
>> Monkfish is also known as the Angel Fish and (as previously noted) also
>> called Poor Man's Lobster. I read about a group that tagged some, and
>> they all noted the "aggression" of the Monkfish AFTER it had been placed
>> on the deck of the boat. I'd guess the head on a 60# one would be about
>> 8-10" across, so yes, you could probably put both hands in the mouth.
>> About any fish can bite, I definitely remember the day my buddy, Big
>> Jim, grabbed an 24" Northern out of the live well to show it to me. I
>> spent about ten minutes butterflying the poor guys fingers.<grin>
>> Nonny
>> Rick F. wrote:

Of course it can bite. Anything with a mouth that big is gonna Bite.
Hell anything with a mouth can bite. Just may not hurt.

RagingChef (Aka Ben)
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