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Sqwertz[_27_] 18-02-2009 05:43 PM

Is Maple Maple?
I have some solid, untreated 3/4" x 1-2" x 16" maple scraps at the shop
where I work. I know there are several types of maple. But as far as
using it for smoking, is all maple pretty much the same?

I have a fair amount of it, too. If anybody in Austin wants to pick some
up near Live Oak Brewery and Smokey Denmark Sausage (places y'all might be
able to relate to... ;-), then let me know. It's not enough to fill your
firebox, but it's a few hundred hours worth of smoke when used to
supplement your lump. I can spare at least 20-30lbs at a time.


Ed Pawlowski 18-02-2009 11:37 PM

Is Maple Maple?

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>I have some solid, untreated 3/4" x 1-2" x 16" maple scraps at the shop
>where I work. I know there are several types of maple. But as far as
>using it for smoking, is all maple pretty much the same?

There are a few varieties, but they all work well for smoking, as do most
hardwoods. The size you have is pretty good to cut to shorter lengths and
they smoke for a long time compared to chips. Good deal for someone.

Spud[_2_] 19-02-2009 03:48 AM

Is Maple Maple?
Good deal for someone.

Exactly. Steve, could you use your chop saw and cut them into 3" lengths,
box them up in say, 30# boxes and ship them to Fresno? You could be my
secret Santa 2009!!!


Sqwertz[_27_] 19-02-2009 02:46 PM

Is Maple Maple?
Spud wrote:

> Exactly. Steve, could you use your chop saw and cut them into 3" lengths,
> box them up in say, 30# boxes and ship them to Fresno? You could be my
> secret Santa 2009!!!

Chop saw, HAH! I have a $200K panel saw just waiting for something for
something to do...

It's just too bad it won't cut more than a single 2" piece at a time while
running the blade the full length of the 16-foot carriage.


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