Barbecue ( Discuss barbecue and grilling--southern style "low and slow" smoking of ribs, shoulders and briskets, as well as direct heat grilling of everything from burgers to salmon to vegetables.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of us
and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker (which
was on my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would prefer to
keep the smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas grill is located.

The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes. I
don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable
folks could give me some assistance.

Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm about
to try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with some
smoke, but that can still happen on the gas grill.

Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?


Janet in way-the-heck-south Texas.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Janet Wilder wrote:

> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of us
> and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker (which was
> on my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would prefer to keep
> the smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas grill is located.
> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes. I
> don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable
> folks could give me some assistance.
> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm about
> to try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with some
> smoke, but that can still happen on the gas grill.
> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(

I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
little cleanup and paint touchup.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Grant Erwin wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of
>> us and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker
>> (which was on my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would
>> prefer to keep the smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas
>> grill is located.
>> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes.
>> I don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable
>> folks could give me some assistance.
>> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm
>> about to try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with
>> some smoke, but that can still happen on the gas grill.
>> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
>> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(
> I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
> are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
> I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
> little cleanup and paint touchup.

You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.

I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Janet Wilder wrote:

> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

What are you using now? I do all my smoking on an El Cheapo Brinkman
"Gourmet" (not the Smoke 'n Pits).

If I hadn't blown my tax refund on the dentist and fines, I would have
probably bought a Bandera. I haven't priced a WSM for a year or so, but I
think they now only sell a new model, which is way overpriced.

For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Grant Erwin wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of
>> us and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker
>> (which was on my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would
>> prefer to keep the smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas
>> grill is located.
>> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes.
>> I don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable
>> folks could give me some assistance.
>> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm
>> about to try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with
>> some smoke, but that can still happen on the gas grill.
>> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
>> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(
> I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
> are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
> I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
> little cleanup and paint touchup.

Hi Janet,

Been a while. Glad you're still kickin'!

I agree with Grant... you were doing well until you hit the "under $100"

You'll probably get a host of knowledgeable replies but personally, I
look at the Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM) as an entry level smoker that
will actually perform and last a long time. Is it more $ than you want
to spend? sure is But is it worth it? sure is!

It's a quality, easy to use unit that does a very good job.

Personally I'd advise to invest a bit more $ and get something that
works well and will last.

Here's a sample:

Honestly, don't freak at the price... it'll last (and work) forever

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Hi, Janet. I was thinking of you when they announced the reversal of
the decision to close the .99 cents stores here.

They are loading up with all kinds of peppers here now, and when I was
in there the other day they had baby red/yellow/orange bells 2# for a

These are excellent to toss with olive oil, sea salt, fresh cracked
pepper and smoke for an hour or so and use as an edible garnish for
your smoked meal presentation. They also grill very well using that

But as far as smokers go, I would have to second the vote for an ECB
(El Cheapo Brinkmann) in this case. I noticed by your list of things
to smoke, you aren't looking for a really long smoke.

The WSMs, of which I am a big fan are now stupidly expensive. If you
use them a lot, they are still probably worth the money. Their claim
to fame is the fact that you can have a really long smoke with
completely controlled temps using little fuel. This makes them ideal
for butts, briskets, whole turkeys, etc. which need some time on the

I have a couple of friends that use the ECBs, and love them. They use
about the same amount of fuel as a regular grill, they can be a little
cranky about maintaining their temps, and the can't go unattended for
8 hours plus like a WSM can. (My WSM will usually go 10 hours or so
without any added fuel or adjustments).

We improved on of the ECBs greatly by using the same tricks used on
the WSM. First and most important, replace the factory thermo. This
is actually no more than a hole plug for a real thermo. Second, use
sand covered with heavy duty foil rather than water. Doing the same
thing I do with the WSM, I put a foil pan in over the sand to catch
drippings, so no real cleanup there. I always hated the water bowl
full of greasy, have cooked drippings to clean up.

Again with the things you described, I would get the middle of the
line ECB as it has a better finish on it and a bit sturdier design.
As it is, you can get the top of the line model that is a charcoal
burner for about $110 with shipping included.

Check Amazon with "Brinkmann Smoker" and you will see a pretty good
selection. I did see a nice little ECB in forest green at Lowe's a
while back for something like $69. It looked like a neat little unit
and even had an enamel finish on it, not paint.

Hope you let us know what you get and how you like it!


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Janet Wilder wrote:

> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.

The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250 (but I
haven't priced them lately).

> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said it:
W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with them. Even
Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140, IIRC.

You didn't mention which ones you saw at Lowes.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Steve Calvin wrote:

> Hi Janet,
> Been a while. Glad you're still kickin'!

I'm still kickin' How are you, Steve?
> I agree with Grant... you were doing well until you hit the "under $100"
> clause....
> You'll probably get a host of knowledgeable replies but personally, I
> look at the Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM) as an entry level smoker that
> will actually perform and last a long time. Is it more $ than you want
> to spend? sure is But is it worth it? sure is!
> It's a quality, easy to use unit that does a very good job.
> Personally I'd advise to invest a bit more $ and get something that
> works well and will last.
> Here's a sample:
> Honestly, don't freak at the price... it'll last (and work) forever

Yikes! I freaked! I don't think *I* will last that long <vbg> Right now
I do a really good job on St. Louis-style ribs offset on the gas grill
with chunks of hickory wrapped in foil like you nice gentlemen here on
afb taught me. DH would really freak over the price of the Weber. It's a
no go. Thanks anyway.

I looked at the one "Sqwertz" recommended and that is much more in my
price range.

Our gas grill is a Brinkman and we are quite happy with it as well as
with the company who has been helpful on a couple of occasions when
we've had a little difficulty with it.

Remember, guys, I'm not a pro, just a dabbler. I expect to use the unit
maybe 2 times a month at most and it will be on the screen porch,
sheltered from the elements.

What I'm getting here is that one of those egg-shaped cabinets would
probably work for my uses. If I have to spend some extra bucks, would
the Brinkman work just as well as the expensive Weber if I got a good

I really appreciate all of your help.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Sqwertz wrote:

> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.

> The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250 (but
> I haven't priced them lately).
>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said
> it: W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with
> them. Even Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140, IIRC.

I think that you are spot on with that recommendation, Steve, at the price
range Janet is looking at.

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Janet Wilder wrote:
> What I'm getting here is that one of those egg-shaped cabinets would
> probably work for my uses. If I have to spend some extra bucks, would
> the Brinkman work just as well as the expensive Weber if I got a good
> thermometer?

eh - I thought you were rich... ;-)

Pretty much anything will work fine if you can control the temp and
smoke. Heck you could probably get by with a garbage can (new of course)
with the bottom cut out placed over a kettle charcoal and a rack mounted
in the top of the can.

I'm not trying to be "nasty" here, just honest. Pretty much any vessel
that will maintain temp (key 1) and control smoke (key 2) will work fine.

I just got tired of spending 90-100 bucks every two years to replace the
el-cheapo grills I used to use and change my thinking. Different
strokes... lol

Me? well, I'm hangin' in. I WAS going to retire this year until the
economy got raped by all of the financial assholes who are out on bail
living in their penthouses.... Now with the debit heading into the 4
trillion range and heading for a depression (jmo) I'll probably never be
able to. :-(

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Steve Calvin wrote:

> Here's a sample:
> Honestly, don't freak at the price... it'll last (and work) forever

Is that the new model? I thought the new one had a thermo, amongst other
things. It was announced at $499 or something like that. $500 is just
too much for what amounts to a glorified Weber kettle.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Sqwertz wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
> > Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
> > what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> What are you using now? I do all my smoking on an El Cheapo Brinkman
> "Gourmet" (not the Smoke 'n Pits).
> If I hadn't blown my tax refund on the dentist and fines, I would have
> probably bought a Bandera. I haven't priced a WSM for a year or so, but I
> think they now only sell a new model, which is way overpriced.
> For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.
> -sw

Yes, it is entirely possible to make good 'Q with very basic tools. Good
tools just make it easier.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of us
> and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker (which was on
> my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would prefer to keep the
> smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas grill is located.
> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes. I
> don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable folks
> could give me some assistance.
> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm about to
> try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with some smoke,
> but that can still happen on the gas grill.
> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me), what
> brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

A pile of rocks and some firewood.


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> Grant Erwin wrote:
>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of us
>>> and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker (which was
>>> on my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would prefer to keep
>>> the smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas grill is located.
>>> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes. I
>>> don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable
>>> folks could give me some assistance.
>>> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm about
>>> to try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with some
>>> smoke, but that can still happen on the gas grill.
>>> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
>>> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

>> You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(
>> I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
>> are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
>> I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
>> little cleanup and paint touchup.
>> GWE

> Hi Janet,
> Been a while. Glad you're still kickin'!
> I agree with Grant... you were doing well until you hit the "under $100"
> clause....
> You'll probably get a host of knowledgeable replies but personally, I look
> at the Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM) as an entry level smoker that will
> actually perform and last a long time. Is it more $ than you want to
> spend? sure is But is it worth it? sure is!
> It's a quality, easy to use unit that does a very good job.
> Personally I'd advise to invest a bit more $ and get something that works
> well and will last.
> Here's a sample:
> Honestly, don't freak at the price... it'll last (and work) forever

I've had one for almost 5 years now. I seldom cover it, and we get some
serious rain down here.

You can't beat it with a stick.

1 WSM = 7 ECB's.


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> Steve Calvin wrote:
>> Hi Janet,
>> Been a while. Glad you're still kickin'!

> I'm still kickin' How are you, Steve?
>> I agree with Grant... you were doing well until you hit the "under $100"
>> clause....
>> You'll probably get a host of knowledgeable replies but personally, I
>> look at the Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM) as an entry level smoker that
>> will actually perform and last a long time. Is it more $ than you want to
>> spend? sure is But is it worth it? sure is!
>> It's a quality, easy to use unit that does a very good job.
>> Personally I'd advise to invest a bit more $ and get something that
>> works well and will last.
>> Here's a sample:
>> Honestly, don't freak at the price... it'll last (and work) forever

> Yikes! I freaked! I don't think *I* will last that long <vbg> Right now I
> do a really good job on St. Louis-style ribs offset on the gas grill with
> chunks of hickory wrapped in foil like you nice gentlemen here on afb
> taught me. DH would really freak over the price of the Weber. It's a no
> go. Thanks anyway.
> I looked at the one "Sqwertz" recommended and that is much more in my
> price range.
> Our gas grill is a Brinkman and we are quite happy with it as well as with
> the company who has been helpful on a couple of occasions when we've had a
> little difficulty with it.
> Remember, guys, I'm not a pro, just a dabbler. I expect to use the unit
> maybe 2 times a month at most and it will be on the screen porch,
> sheltered from the elements.
> What I'm getting here is that one of those egg-shaped cabinets would
> probably work for my uses. If I have to spend some extra bucks, would the
> Brinkman work just as well as the expensive Weber if I got a good
> thermometer?

No. It's leaky junk.
I've been through 4 Brinkmanns in the time it took me to season the Weber.

Aloha Nui Loa,

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me), what
>> brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> What are you using now? I do all my smoking on an El Cheapo Brinkman
> "Gourmet" (not the Smoke 'n Pits).
> If I hadn't blown my tax refund on the dentist and fines, I would have
> probably bought a Bandera. I haven't priced a WSM for a year or so, but I
> think they now only sell a new model, which is way overpriced.
> For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.

You can live with it until you experience the reality.

I didn't buy a WSM, it was a wedding gift. I wanted to shoot myself in the
head for using ECB's after that.

It's like pounding on a stick with a rock compared to cooking with gas.

$200.00 One time. Never spend it again. That's WSM

$40.00 Every year or two. That's Brinkmann.

Do the math. Mine was free. Let's assume it was $220. At $40 a year for 5
years, we've already reached $200.00

If you only replace the POS every other year, then you've saved some money,
but you're still a n00b.

Ok, now let's talk about how much better the WSM cooks (maintenance free)
than the ECB.

Not really trying to sell you one, just trying to convince the world that
it's a vastly better cooker.


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

On Feb 27, 2:54*pm, TFM® > wrote:
> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message

> > Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me), what
> > brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> A pile of rocks and some firewood.

As long as I'm not too drunk, I'm an upright smoker, unless sitting or
laying down I guess.

And if drunk enough, I'm easily under $100.

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Janet Wilder wrote:

> Grant Erwin wrote:

>> You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(
>> I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
>> are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
>> I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
>> little cleanup and paint touchup.

> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.
> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

Janet, I have no idea where you live, but I suggest you go to your
local craigslist Web site (seattle's is, denver's
is - you get the idea) and type smoker into the
search box and hit OK and when the page comes up click on both
'only search title' and 'has image' and search again. Right now on
my local Craigslist there are several to choose from, everything from
a New Braunfels Silver Smoker for $50 to an ECB for $10.

Why buy new?

Lots of guys make smokers out of food-grade 55 gallon drums. The zippy
acronym for them is "UDS" which stands for "ugly drum smoker". It is
said you can build one for about $60 even with two new 22-1/2" Weber
racks. Of course, you have to be a little bit handy and own a drill.

  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

On 27-Feb-2009, =?iso-8859-1?B?VEZNrg==?= >

> "Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Grant Erwin wrote:
> >> Janet Wilder wrote:
> >>
> >>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker.

.. . .

> >

> I've had one for almost 5 years now. I seldom cover it, and we get some
> serious rain down here.
> You can't beat it with a stick.
> 1 WSM = 7 ECB's.
> TFM®

Don't laugh. TFM® has all 7 up on blocks behind the
house. Someday he's gonna restore them all and sell them
for enough bucks to build a decent still.

Brick WA7ERO (Youth is wasted on young people)
  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

On 27-Feb-2009, =?iso-8859-1?B?VEZNrg==?= >

> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Janet Wilder wrote:
> >
> >> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
> >> what
> >> brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

> >
> > What are you using now? I do all my smoking on an El Cheapo Brinkman
> > "Gourmet" (not the Smoke 'n Pits).
> >
> > If I hadn't blown my tax refund on the dentist and fines, I would have
> > probably bought a Bandera. I haven't priced a WSM for a year or so,
> > but I
> > think they now only sell a new model, which is way overpriced.
> >
> > For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.

> You can live with it until you experience the reality.
> I didn't buy a WSM, it was a wedding gift. I wanted to shoot myself in
> the
> head for using ECB's after that.
> It's like pounding on a stick with a rock compared to cooking with gas.
> $200.00 One time. Never spend it again. That's WSM
> $40.00 Every year or two. That's Brinkmann.
> Do the math. Mine was free. Let's assume it was $220. At $40 a year
> for 5
> years, we've already reached $200.00
> If you only replace the POS every other year, then you've saved some
> money,
> but you're still a n00b.
> Ok, now let's talk about how much better the WSM cooks (maintenance free)
> than the ECB.
> Not really trying to sell you one, just trying to convince the world that
> it's a vastly better cooker.
> TFM®

Just like a hillbilly to forget to mention the savings in fuel. Probably
then the difference in equipment price over the years. So why don't I own
one? ? ? ?

Brick WA7ERO (Youth is wasted on young people)

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Brick" > wrote in message
> On 27-Feb-2009, =?iso-8859-1?B?VEZNrg==?= >
> wrote:
>> "Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Grant Erwin wrote:
>> >> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker.

> . . .
>> >

>> I've had one for almost 5 years now. I seldom cover it, and we get some
>> serious rain down here.
>> You can't beat it with a stick.
>> 1 WSM = 7 ECB's.
>> TFM®

> Don't laugh. TFM® has all 7 up on blocks behind the
> house. Someday he's gonna restore them all and sell them
> for enough bucks to build a decent still.

WTF you think they're up on blocks fer? Hush, afore them revenuers catch


  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

TFM® wrote:
> For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.
> You can live with it until you experience the reality.
> I didn't buy a WSM, it was a wedding gift. I wanted to shoot myself in
> the head for using ECB's after that.
> It's like pounding on a stick with a rock compared to cooking with gas.
> $200.00 One time. Never spend it again. That's WSM
> $40.00 Every year or two. That's Brinkmann.
> Do the math. Mine was free. Let's assume it was $220. At $40 a year
> for 5 years, we've already reached $200.00
> If you only replace the POS every other year, then you've saved some
> money, but you're still a n00b.
> Ok, now let's talk about how much better the WSM cooks (maintenance
> free) than the ECB.
> Not really trying to sell you one, just trying to convince the world
> that it's a vastly better cooker.
> TFM®

I'm in your corner! I've had my Weber Genesis gasser for about 10 years
now, the WSM for around 5"ish".... both of 'em sit outside and are used
all year in upstate NY. Yes, I grill and smoke all year long, cold,
snow, whatever... Covers? What's a cover?

If I took some soap and water to 'em they'd look new even for all of the
abuse I give them. Never replaced anything except the sparker on the
Silver B. And I stupidly got the CI grates originally... once I threw
those SOBs out and replace 'em with porclean enameled ones it's been great.

That's what I meant in my earlier post about my change of attitude....
spend a bit more, get quality, it'll work and last. Does it cost more
money? Up front: Yes. Long Run: No, it saves money and actually WORKS

But I now return you to your originally scheduled program...
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Duwop wrote:

> As long as I'm not too drunk, I'm an upright smoker, unless sitting or
> laying down I guess.
> And if drunk enough, I'm easily under $100.

What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Brick" > wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> Great comeback Fats. Wish I could think that fast. Do you suppose
> a couple of real smokers running amongst a couple of stills could
> disguise the smell well enough?

Is Cannabis a hardwood? Gives Pot Roast a whole new meaning! ;-D

Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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TFM® wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me),
>>> what brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?

>> What are you using now? I do all my smoking on an El Cheapo Brinkman
>> "Gourmet" (not the Smoke 'n Pits).
>> If I hadn't blown my tax refund on the dentist and fines, I would have
>> probably bought a Bandera. I haven't priced a WSM for a year or so,
>> but I think they now only sell a new model, which is way overpriced.
>> For $30 every 2 years, I can live with a ECBG just fine.

> You can live with it until you experience the reality.
> I didn't buy a WSM, it was a wedding gift. I wanted to shoot myself in
> the head for using ECB's after that.
> It's like pounding on a stick with a rock compared to cooking with gas.
> $200.00 One time. Never spend it again. That's WSM
> $40.00 Every year or two. That's Brinkmann.
> Do the math. Mine was free. Let's assume it was $220. At $40 a year
> for 5 years, we've already reached $200.00
> If you only replace the POS every other year, then you've saved some
> money, but you're still a n00b.
> Ok, now let's talk about how much better the WSM cooks (maintenance
> free) than the ECB.
> Not really trying to sell you one, just trying to convince the world
> that it's a vastly better cooker.
> TFM®

Landfills are loaded with ECB's.


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.

>> The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250 (but
>> I haven't priced them lately).
>>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

>> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said
>> it: W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with
>> them. Even Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140, IIRC.

> I think that you are spot on with that recommendation, Steve, at the price
> range Janet is looking at.
> --
> Dave

I bought one of these from Walmart and ended up taking it back. It's a gas
smoker. I never could get the temp. low enough to smoke, even after
replacing the burner unit. If you search about on the internet, this
complaint rises here and there. I think people that like that product are
baking rather than barbecuing for the most part. I don't think gas is very
suitable for smoking, at least at the backyard level.


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> No. It's leaky junk.
> I've been through 4 Brinkmanns in the time it took me to season the Weber.

I have to butt in here FATS. I think a ECB ('el cheapo
Brinkman) may be a good starting point. It has a water pan
and made for slow cooking. The only scarey part is being on
a porch with the embers. Commonon $40.00 bucks...???

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
>I am still hankering after a "real" smoker. There are just the two of us
>and we rarely entertain large crowds so a big, offset smoker (which was on
>my wish-list) is probably not a great idea. I would prefer to keep the
>smoker on the screen porch which is where our gas grill is located.
> The other day I saw a couple of upright smoker cabinet units at Lowes. I
> don't know much about these units and I was hoping you knowledgeable folks
> could give me some assistance.
> Mostly what I smoke is ribs, pork chops, planked fish and now I'm about to
> try a lamb breast. I also like to do a beer can chicken with some smoke,
> but that can still happen on the gas grill.
> Assuming it would meet my needs (y'all have to confirm this for me), what
> brand, configuration, etc. is recommended for a unit under $100?
> TIA,
> Janet in way-the-heck-south Texas.

Janet, for smoke/cooking the GOSM (Great Outdoor Smokey Mountain) will do
you a good job. Just don't expect it to cold smoke.
James A. "Big Jim" Whitten

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Hi, Janet. I was thinking of you when they announced the reversal of
> the decision to close the .99 cents stores here.
> They are loading up with all kinds of peppers here now, and when I was
> in there the other day they had baby red/yellow/orange bells 2# for a
> buck.

I haven't been there for a while. I'll have to stop in. Thanks for the
heads up.

> We improved on of the ECBs greatly by using the same tricks used on
> the WSM. First and most important, replace the factory thermo. This
> is actually no more than a hole plug for a real thermo. Second, use
> sand covered with heavy duty foil rather than water. Doing the same
> thing I do with the WSM, I put a foil pan in over the sand to catch
> drippings, so no real cleanup there. I always hated the water bowl
> full of greasy, have cooked drippings to clean up.

Do you recommend any particular thermometer?

Thanks for the info about the sand. I saved your post.
> Again with the things you described, I would get the middle of the
> line ECB as it has a better finish on it and a bit sturdier design.
> As it is, you can get the top of the line model that is a charcoal
> burner for about $110 with shipping included.
> Check Amazon with "Brinkmann Smoker" and you will see a pretty good
> selection. I did see a nice little ECB in forest green at Lowe's a
> while back for something like $69. It looked like a neat little unit
> and even had an enamel finish on it, not paint.
> Hope you let us know what you get and how you like it!

Thanks Robert. I will look at the one in Lowes. Appreciate your time
answering me.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sqwertz wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.

> The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250 (but I
> haven't priced them lately).
>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said it:
> W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with them.
> Even Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140, IIRC.
> You didn't mention which ones you saw at Lowes.

I really didn't look very closely at them. I just notices that they were
a different shape and seemed like they would work. I'm very new at this. <g>

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Hugh wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.
>>> The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250 (but
>>> I haven't priced them lately).
>>>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.
>>> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said
>>> it: W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with
>>> them. Even Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140, IIRC.

>> I think that you are spot on with that recommendation, Steve, at the price
>> range Janet is looking at.
>> --
>> Dave

> I bought one of these from Walmart and ended up taking it back. It's a gas
> smoker. I never could get the temp. low enough to smoke, even after
> replacing the burner unit. If you search about on the internet, this
> complaint rises here and there. I think people that like that product are
> baking rather than barbecuing for the most part. I don't think gas is very
> suitable for smoking, at least at the backyard level.

I smoke with my gas grill. It is a 6 burner and I light 2 burners on
one side and put the meat on the other side so it's not over the flames.
It does some pretty good ribs, but I'd like to get a "real" smoker to do
some other stuff in.
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> I would prefer to keep the smoker on the screen porch which is where our
> gas grill is located.

Screened as in with a roof? Where is the fire extinguisher? How far is the
fire department? Ever see the accumulated grease catch on fire? Sorry, but
that is too risky for me to recommend anything.

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Hugh" > wrote in message
>>> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>.

> I bought one of these from Walmart and ended up taking it back. It's a gas
> smoker. I never could get the temp. low enough to smoke, even after
> replacing the burner unit. If you search about on the internet, this
> complaint rises here and there. I think people that like that product are
> baking rather than barbecuing for the most part. I don't think gas is very
> suitable for smoking, at least at the backyard level.
> Hugh

Never had that problem. Holds at 250 for hour after hour.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Grant Erwin wrote:
> Janet Wilder wrote:
>> Grant Erwin wrote:

>>> You were doing great until you said "under $100". :-(
>>> I'd look for a used Bandera. Originally made by New Braunfels, they
>>> are still made by CharGriller albeit now in China of thinner material.
>>> I have one, seems to work great, I paid $75 for it and had to do a
>>> little cleanup and paint touchup.

>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.
>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.

> Janet, I have no idea where you live, but I suggest you go to your
> local craigslist Web site (seattle's is, denver's
> is - you get the idea) and type smoker into the
> search box and hit OK and when the page comes up click on both
> 'only search title' and 'has image' and search again. Right now on
> my local Craigslist there are several to choose from, everything from
> a New Braunfels Silver Smoker for $50 to an ECB for $10.
> Why buy new?

Not a single smoker on the Craigslist for my area (Brownsville, TX)

> Lots of guys make smokers out of food-grade 55 gallon drums. The zippy
> acronym for them is "UDS" which stands for "ugly drum smoker". It is
> said you can build one for about $60 even with two new 22-1/2" Weber
> racks. Of course, you have to be a little bit handy and own a drill.

I have my very own power drill but I'm not that handy. I've seen some
drum configurations but they look more like charcoal grills than smokers.
  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Janet Wilder wrote:

> I smoke with my gas grill. It is a 6 burner and I light 2 burners on
> one side and put the meat on the other side so it's not over the flames.
> It does some pretty good ribs, but I'd like to get a "real" smoker to do
> some other stuff in.

That worked well for me, also. I even experimented with a foil baffle
to help disburse the heat. WRT your thermometer question- take a look
at the Brinkman brand ones at HD or Lowe's. They're better than you'd
think. If you're handy, consider a rubber or cork plug in the hole,
with a long probe from a digital thermometer inserted through it,
reaching into the inside of the hood. It's not pretty, but it works
well and can be removed for storage.

Elected officials should wear
uniforms like NASCAR drivers.
That way it would be easier to
identify their corporate sponsors.

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 27-Feb-2009, =?iso-8859-1?B?VEZNrg==?= >

> "Brick" > wrote in message
> >
> > On 27-Feb-2009, =?iso-8859-1?B?VEZNrg==?=
> > >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> "Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> > Grant Erwin wrote:
> >> >> Janet Wilder wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> I am still hankering after a "real" smoker.

> >
> > . . .
> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> I've had one for almost 5 years now. I seldom cover it, and we get
> >> some
> >> serious rain down here.
> >>
> >> You can't beat it with a stick.
> >>
> >> 1 WSM = 7 ECB's.
> >>
> >> TFM®

> >
> > Don't laugh. TFM® has all 7 up on blocks behind the
> > house. Someday he's gonna restore them all and sell them
> > for enough bucks to build a decent still.

> WTF you think they're up on blocks fer? Hush, afore them revenuers catch
> on.
> TFM®

Great comeback Fats. Wish I could think that fast. Do you suppose
a couple of real smokers running amongst a couple of stills could
disguise the smell well enough?

Brick WA7ERO (Youth is wasted on young people)
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 27-Feb-2009, "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:

> "Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> > I would prefer to keep the smoker on the screen porch which is where
> > our
> > gas grill is located.

> Screened as in with a roof? Where is the fire extinguisher? How far is
> the
> fire department? Ever see the accumulated grease catch on fire? Sorry,
> but
> that is too risky for me to recommend anything.

I have seen the accumulated grease catch on fire. My NB Silver
offset is locate in a screened porch/lanai. I light it off every other
year or so just to clean it out. But, in order to light off the grease,
I have to build a fire in the cook chamber. And then it makes a
bunch of smoke, but the fire is controlled by the amount of air
available to it. My bullet smoker doesn't accumulate any grease,
but the same applies. There isn't even any appreciable smoke
accumulation inside my lanai. If anybody cares, I'll post some
current pictures of my setup over on ABF. It's been pretty much
the same configuration since May of 2003.

Brick WA7ERO (Youth is wasted on young people)
  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Upright Smokers???

Hugh wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> You got a good deal. The shipping alone is $75 on their web site.
>>> The Bandera is sold at Academy, and often on sale for under $250
>>> (but I haven't priced them lately).
>>>> I was really thinking more of just a cabinet without an offset box.
>>> Check out the Great Outdoors Smokers at Walmart <cringe>. OK I said
>>> it: W A L - M A R T. Several gave reported very good results with
>>> them. Even Big Jim has one. The big one runs about $130-$140,
>>> IIRC.

>> I think that you are spot on with that recommendation, Steve, at the
>> price range Janet is looking at.
>> --
>> Dave

> I bought one of these from Walmart and ended up taking it back. It's
> a gas smoker. I never could get the temp. low enough to smoke, even
> after replacing the burner unit. If you search about on the internet,
> this complaint rises here and there. I think people that like that
> product are baking rather than barbecuing for the most part. I don't
> think gas is very suitable for smoking, at least at the backyard
> level.
> Hugh

You're right, Hugh. Big Jim and I don't know what the hell we're talkin'
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

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Dave Bugg > wrote:

> You're right, Hugh. Big Jim and I don't know what the hell we're talkin'
> about.

"Hugh" had the exact same problem that Kent Hagen had.
Hugh - was your name Kent?

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Janet Wilder > wrote:

> I really didn't look very closely at them. I just notices that they were
> a different shape and seemed like they would work. I'm very new at this. <g>

Kinda like looking at the Trojan selection when you're 16.

-sw <ducking>
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