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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

Anything I need to know about freezing a raw brisket? The local meat
playground (Cattleman's) has brisket on special this week for $1.99/lb
and I would like to get one (or maybe two) and stick it in the deep

As long as it stays in the unopened vacuum pack, is there any harm to
freezing it? Defrost in the fridge for a few days before smoking?

Any other negatives to freezing?


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

RockPyle wrote:

> Anything I need to know about freezing a raw brisket? The local meat
> playground (Cattleman's) has brisket on special this week for $1.99/lb
> and I would like to get one (or maybe two) and stick it in the deep
> freeze.
> As long as it stays in the unopened vacuum pack, is there any harm to
> freezing it? Defrost in the fridge for a few days before smoking?
> Any other negatives to freezing?
> Thanks
> Rob

You got it right. If it's vac packed, you're ok. Otherwise
it has a much shorter life in the freezer... more like days/weeks
instead of months.

I've had vacpacked frozen brisket go 2+ years with no harm.
Defrost in the fridge takes about 2 days.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

On Oct 28, 1:03*am, "Nunya Bidnits" <nunyabidn...@eternal-
september.invalid> wrote:
> RockPyle said:
> > Anything I need to know about freezing a raw brisket? *The local meat
> > playground (Cattleman's) has brisket on special this week for $1.99/lb
> > and I would like to get one (or maybe two) and stick it in the deep
> > freeze.

> > As long as it stays in the unopened vacuum pack, is there any harm to
> > freezing it? *Defrost in the fridge for a few days before smoking?

> > Any other negatives to freezing?

> > Thanks

> > Rob

> I don't know how long you want to hold it, but check the pack date. You can
> hold it up to 45 days from that date in refrigeration in the coldest part of
> the fridge. It's considered "wet aging". This is true only for cryo packs
> and the package has to be perfectly intact. If there is any air leakage, it
> will spoil.
> MartyB in KC

Thanks, Marty. I read the comments on wet aging (yours?) a couple of
weeks ago and stuck it into the back of my mind. It sounded a little
scary, but I may try it some day.

I'll be off to buy a hunk o' beast this afternoon!

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

"RockPyle" > wrote in message
> Anything I need to know about freezing a raw brisket? The local meat
> playground (Cattleman's) has brisket on special this week for $1.99/lb
> and I would like to get one (or maybe two) and stick it in the deep
> freeze.
> As long as it stays in the unopened vacuum pack, is there any harm to
> freezing it? Defrost in the fridge for a few days before smoking?
> Any other negatives to freezing?
> Thanks
> Rob

What Marty said

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

On 28-Oct-2009, "Nunya Bidnits" >

> RockPyle said:
> > On Oct 28, 1:03 am, "Nunya Bidnits" <nunyabidn...@eternal-

.. . .

> I was skeptical too, but I learned more about it right here in this
> forum,
> and recieved links to investigate further. I'm just passing it on, but
> there
> are many folks here who know a lot more about handling meat and food
> safety
> than I do.
> My most impressive credential on this subject is that I have yet to die
> from
> eating any wet aged brisket. ;-)
> MartyB

I'm skeptical too. From what I've learned here, I can't possibly
be alive today. I'd surely have been dead at least 20 years by
now. In fact, I'm surprised that I survived childhood.

Brick (Youth is wasted on young people)

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

"Brick" > wrote:
> "Nunya Bidnits" > wrote:
> > RockPyle said:
> > > On Oct 28, 1:03 am, "Nunya Bidnits" <nunyabidn...@eternal-

> > I was skeptical too, but I learned more about it right here in this
> > forum, and recieved links to investigate further. I'm just passing it
> > on, but there are many folks here who know a lot more about handling
> > meat and food safety than I do.
> >
> > My most impressive credential on this subject is that I have yet to die
> > from eating any wet aged brisket. ;-)

> I'm skeptical too. From what I've learned here, I can't possibly
> be alive today. I'd surely have been dead at least 20 years by
> now. In fact, I'm surprised that I survived childhood.

Survived it? You're re-living it, ya old goat!

Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

>>I'm skeptical too. From what I've learned here, I can't possibly
>>be alive today. I'd surely have been dead at least 20 years by
>>now. In fact, I'm surprised that I survived childhood.

> Survived it? You're re-living it, ya old goat!

You kids cut it out and be nice to each other!

Mom and Dad
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

On Oct 29, 3:29*am, Craig Watts
> wrote:
> >>I'm skeptical too. From what I've learned here, I can't possibly
> >>be alive today. I'd surely have been dead at least 20 years by
> >>now. In fact, I'm surprised that I survived childhood.

> > Survived it? You're re-living it, ya old goat!

> You kids cut it out and be nice to each other!
> Mom and Dad

Oh look! It's a nanny-goat. ;-)

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

On Oct 28, 10:45*am, "Big Jim" > wrote:

> What Marty said
> BeeJay


I never gave a thought to freezing an thawing a briskets. Just do it
once, though. Thawing it and then changing your mind (bad weather,
etc., that keeps you from smoking) and re-freezing makes the meat
texture funky.

After reading about it somewhere a few times, then finally here, I
tried wet aging a brisket. I worked great, and it added another
dimension to the flavor and texture.

After being in the fridge for exactly six weeks from purchase, I took
it out and washed it off. It smelled different, but no bad. Kinda of
like when you clean game and have that really rich blood smell; not
bad, just different.

A night in the fridge with rub on it, then out to the smoker to cook
as usual.

The results were great. The meat had a more intense meat flavor to it
all the way through, not a bite was bland. It's hard to describe.
The best way would be to compare an aged steak to a non-aged steak.
Both are good, but it depends on what you are in the mood to eat. I
now leave the briskets in the fridge for about 3 weeks or so before

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

"Nunya Bidnits" > wrote:
> Brick said:
> > [ . . . ]
> > I'm skeptical too. From what I've learned here, I can't possibly
> > be alive today. I'd surely have been dead at least 20 years by
> > now. In fact, I'm surprised that I survived childhood.

> Me too! I got sent to a cardiologist recently because of a minor change
> in EKG that was probably due to a medicine. They expected problems
> because I have all the risk factors, being treated for high blood
> pressure, treated for high cholesterol which is still too high on the bad
> stuff and too low on the good stuff, borderline high blood sugar,
> reformed smoker, poor exercise habits, somewhat overweight, 57 years old.
> So they do this thing called a Cardio Scan which is supposed to reveal
> calcified plaque in the heart. Nada. Zip. Negative. Nothing to see here.
> OK, so then they do an Ekogram or something like that, sonogram on the
> heart to make sure things are pumping, arteries are open, valves working
> correctly, etc. Nada again. Zip. Nothing to see. And they ordered blood
> tests. Nada again.
> I can't wait until I see my GP again so I can say neener neener.

I love negative test results. I've had an unremitting headache in the outer
lower right part of my brain for over a year. Mostly low level,
occasionally bad enough that I have to take a couple of Tylenol every two
or three weeks, but always there. Brain MRI and MRA of the Circle of
Willis, ordered by Neurologist, were normal. Finally, my doctor sent me to
see a Neurosurgeon, who ordered CT scans of my mastoids and sinuses. Turns
out my sinuses are completely stuffed and blocked. He sent me to an ears,
nose, throat doc. I'm now taking an antibiotic (Augmentin) and Nasonex
($$$). Get another sinus CT in a month and see the e.n.t guy a few days
later. Gotta get this done before Obamacare kicks in.

Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gone way OT... Freezing Vac packed Brisket

"Nunya Bidnits" > wrote:
> Nick Cramer said:
> > Turns out my sinuses are completely stuffed and blocked.
> > He sent me to an ears, nose, throat doc. I'm now taking an antibiotic
> > (Augmentin) and Nasonex ($$$). Get another sinus CT in a month and
> > see the e.n.t guy a few days later. Gotta get this done before
> > Obamacare kicks in.

> There's a generic spray, based on Flonase, that is much cheaper, and does
> exactly the same thing as Nasonex. It's called flucitasone proprionate. I
> know it works because I have bad allergies and use the stuff all the
> time.
> ENTs are notorious for being beholden to the big drug companies, the kind
> of predatory alliance that makes me wish Obamacare would hurry up. But
> regardless, if the ENT doesn't want to give you the generic, I bet your
> GP will. That's where I get mine.

Thanks, Marty. My co-pay for 17 gms of Nasonex is $34! I'll re-fill it with
the generic.

Nick, KI6VAV. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their
families: Thank a Veteran!
Support Our Troops: You are not forgotten.
Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~ USMC 1365061
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Freezing Vac packed Brisket?

On Oct 29, 10:55*am, "Nunya Bidnits" <nunyabidn...@eternal-
september.invalid> wrote:
> said:
> > On Oct 28, 10:45 am, "Big Jim" > wrote:

> >> What Marty said
> >> BeeJay

> > Ditto.

> > I never gave a thought to freezing an thawing a briskets. *Just do it
> > once, though. *Thawing it and then changing your mind (bad weather,
> > etc., that keeps you from smoking) and re-freezing makes the meat
> > texture funky.

> > After reading about it somewhere a few times, then finally here, I
> > tried wet aging a brisket. *I worked great, and it added another
> > dimension to the flavor and texture.

> > After being in the fridge for exactly six weeks from purchase, I took
> > it out and washed it off. *It smelled different, but no bad. *Kinda of
> > like when you clean game and have that really rich blood smell; not
> > bad, just different.

> > A night in the fridge with rub on it, then out to the smoker to cook
> > as usual.

> > The results were great. *The meat had a more intense meat flavor to it
> > all the way through, not a bite was bland. *It's hard to describe.
> > The best way would be to compare an aged steak to a non-aged steak.
> > Both are good, but it depends on what you are in the mood to eat. *I
> > now leave the briskets in the fridge for about 3 weeks or so before
> > cooking.

> > Robert

> I also find a distinctive odor to the cryo aged beef, and make sure to rinse
> and dry the beef before seasoning it up. Once well rinsed that odor
> disappears. It comes from the blood in the pack. And if it's been in a
> little too long, or somehow the package was compromised, then there is a
> very distinct foul odor to the cryo blood which is similar, but very
> unpleasant, and it will remain on the meat even after rinsing.

Exactly my experience.

That's why I have chickened out and don't go over 3 - 4 weeks in the
fridge with the briskets to age them. And before I will refrigerator
age, I make sure I ask Joe (my butcher buddy) how fresh they are.

If he isn't sure, or if they come from a certain plant he is familiar
with, I may only go from the weekend of shopping to the next weekend
before cooking.

The results after all, aren't different enough to take a chance on
someone's health, or worse throw out a $20 piece of meat.


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gone way OT... Freezing Vac packed Brisket

"Nunya Bidnits" > wrote in message

.... wish Obamacare would hurry up. ...

> MartyB

Sad. Really, really sad to hear that.


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