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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

The stitches came out today, no oozing or signs of infection. The primary
healing of the incision is basically completed, but there is still some
healing that needs to be done via secondary intention (superficial gaps in
the upper dermis that needs to 'fill-in').

Basically, I am free to use my hand for light duty for the next three weeks.
If I am doing anything besides typing or sitting around, I will slip a brace
on over my hand (the kind with the velcro fasteners) to protect my palm if
it gets inadvertently smacked.

There is some feeling of 'thickness', and some tenderness at the base of the
palm, but that will resolve over the next few weeks.

The surgery and recovery couldn't have been better, given the techniques
available today. I appreciated your well-wishes, and am looking forward to
working the kitchen and pit with no worries about numbness or pain. :-)

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Dave Bugg wrote in

> There is some feeling of 'thickness', and some tenderness at the base
> of the palm, but that will resolve over the next few weeks.

Dave did the do the surgery in your palm.
I was told by my doctor about a technique where
the do it through a small incision in your wrist.
Heals faster and not as painfull. So I'm told.
Probably will end up doing it before too long.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

BigDog wrote:

> Dave did the do the surgery in your palm.
> I was told by my doctor about a technique where
> the do it through a small incision in your wrist.
> Heals faster and not as painfull. So I'm told.
> Probably will end up doing it before too long.

I rejected the small incision option. There have been studies that show the
small incision procedure has a greater risk of not fully resolving the
problem, requiring a follow-up revision. Another risk is that the
arthroscopic-style surgery must convert to an open incision surgery during
the procedure. Both risks are due to incomplete visualization of the
operative area; this is a risk that has also lead to inadvertantly damaging
the nerve in a few cases. For me, I want the surgeon to have the best view
possible :-)

If the carpal tunnel is very mild, than the arthroscopic procedure may be an
option, than for CP that is aggresively debilitating. It has been one week
post-op, my stitches are out, and my hand is very usable. I can't imagine
the arthroscopic technique would have been any better in my case. The pain
is usually due to one of two issues:
-- Infection (this is actually not a large risk with either procedure.
-- Swelling at the base of the palm and at the wrist. Good technique by the
surgeon greatly reduces this in the open procedure. A mediocre to poor
technique by the surgeon in the arthroscopic procedure aggravate that
problem even with a small incision. Following the post-op instructions
concerning elevation of the arm during the first 24 hours post-surgery is
also important to reduce discomfort.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Dave Bugg wrote in

> I rejected the small incision option. There have been studies that
> show the small incision procedure has a greater risk of not fully
> resolving the problem, requiring a follow-up revision. Another risk is
> that the arthroscopic-style surgery must convert to an open incision
> surgery during the procedure. Both risks are due to incomplete
> visualization of the operative area; this is a risk that has also lead
> to inadvertantly damaging the nerve in a few cases. For me, I want the
> surgeon to have the best view possible :-)
> If the carpal tunnel is very mild, than the arthroscopic procedure may
> be an option, than for CP that is aggresively debilitating. It has
> been one week post-op, my stitches are out, and my hand is very
> usable. I can't imagine the arthroscopic technique would have been
> any better in my case. The pain is usually due to one of two issues:
> -- Infection (this is actually not a large risk with either procedure.
> -- Swelling at the base of the palm and at the wrist. Good technique
> by the surgeon greatly reduces this in the open procedure. A mediocre
> to poor technique by the surgeon in the arthroscopic procedure
> aggravate that problem even with a small incision. Following the
> post-op instructions concerning elevation of the arm during the first
> 24 hours post-surgery is also important to reduce discomfort.
> Dave

Damn Dave, you sure know how to do your homework.
I just listened to my doc. Hmm, maybe need a new
one. Anyway, The specialist said I have a severe
case in both wrists. I did look into it on the
internet and saw where the hand has to be absolutely
still during the procedure. Most of what I found about
it was a couple of years old and thought maybe they
perfected it by now. Think I'm gonna try some shots
in the wrists first. If that don't help I gotta do
something. If you never experience it you don't understand
how it feels. It SUCKS. Been going on three years with it
now and am getting mighty tired of it.
Thanks for the info.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

BigDog wrote:

>..... I gotta do
> something. If you never experience it you don't understand
> how it feels. It SUCKS. Been going on three years with it
> now and am getting mighty tired of it.

It's not just the pain, either; it's the unrelenting fatigue of never being
able to get a good, solid night's sleep. I never tried the injections, so I
can't comment on that at all. What I do know is this: within the first day
of surgery on my right hand a long time ago, I was overjoyed almost to
tears. I kicked myself wondering why I had waited so long to get the surgery
done. The relief was that dramatic and immediate. Now, having completed
surgery on my left hand, I am still in awe of how effective the relief is.

I wish you the best as you're going through this.
Best Regards,

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Dave Bugg wrote in
> It's not just the pain, either; it's the unrelenting fatigue of never
> being able to get a good, solid night's sleep. I never tried the
> injections, so I can't comment on that at all. What I do know is
> this: within the first day of surgery on my right hand a long time
> ago, I was overjoyed almost to tears. I kicked myself wondering why I
> had waited so long to get the surgery done. The relief was that
> dramatic and immediate. Now, having completed surgery on my left
> hand, I am still in awe of how effective the relief is.
> I wish you the best as you're going through this.
> Best Regards,
> Dave

Yeah I know what you mean. I don't get more than 2 hours at a time.
Wake up about 4 or 5 times a night. Always draggin ass. I am currently
getting injections in my back for herniated disc but it doesn't do
anything for the feet and hands. My feet are like my hands but from
the disc problem. Lower back pain is greatly helped by the shots.
I'm going to give the shots for my wrists one chance and if it doesn't
help I'm gonna have to have the surgery. Thanks Dave for the input.
Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering with this shit.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Dave Bugg wrote in
> It's not just the pain, either; it's the unrelenting fatigue of never
> being able to get a good, solid night's sleep. I never tried the
> injections, so I can't comment on that at all. What I do know is
> this: within the first day of surgery on my right hand a long time
> ago, I was overjoyed almost to tears. I kicked myself wondering why I
> had waited so long to get the surgery done. The relief was that
> dramatic and immediate. Now, having completed surgery on my left
> hand, I am still in awe of how effective the relief is.
> I wish you the best as you're going through this.
> Best Regards,
> Dave

Yeah I know what you mean. I don't get more than 2 hours at a time.
Wake up about 4 or 5 times a night. Always draggin ass. I am currently
getting injections in my back for herniated disc but it doesn't do
anything for the feet and hands. My feet are like my hands but from
the disc problem. Lower back pain is greatly helped by the shots.
I'm going to give the shots for my wrists one chance and if it doesn't
help I'm gonna have to have the surgery. Thanks Dave for the input.
Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering with this shit.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Tyler Hopper
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

"BigDog" > wrote in message
> Yeah I know what you mean. I don't get more than 2 hours at a time.
> Wake up about 4 or 5 times a night. Always draggin ass. I am currently
> getting injections in my back for herniated disc but it doesn't do
> anything for the feet and hands. My feet are like my hands but from
> the disc problem. Lower back pain is greatly helped by the shots.
> I'm going to give the shots for my wrists one chance and if it doesn't
> help I'm gonna have to have the surgery. Thanks Dave for the input.
> Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering with this shit.

Doug, have you tried acupuncture for your back? I doubt it would "cure" a
herniated disk but can almost guarantee you it will give you a great deal of
pain relief.

I've had intermittent back problems since I was a kid. At times it has been so
bad I had to roll out of bed onto the floor and crawl to the bathroom.

Quite a few yrs. ago I finally broke down and went for acupuncture. I could
barely pick my feet up going into the office because of so much pain. When I
left I had _zero_ pain. Yes, it did come back but not nearly as bad as it had
been and it went away far quicker than it ever did before.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Tyler Hopper wrote in

> Doug, have you tried acupuncture for your back? I doubt it would
> "cure" a herniated disk but can almost guarantee you it will give you
> a great deal of pain relief.
> ht_redneck

Hey Tyler, no I haven't tried that. The pills and
shots pretty much take care of my back pain. It's
the numbness, burning feeling in my hands and feet
that really get to me. If I could get rid of that,
I could live with the back pain.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Tyler Hopper
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

"BigDog" > wrote in message
> Tyler Hopper wrote in
> > Doug, have you tried acupuncture for your back? I doubt it would
> > "cure" a herniated disk but can almost guarantee you it will give you
> > a great deal of pain relief.
> >________
> > ht_redneck
> >

> Hey Tyler, no I haven't tried that. The pills and
> shots pretty much take care of my back pain. It's
> the numbness, burning feeling in my hands and feet
> that really get to me. If I could get rid of that,
> I could live with the back pain.

Like I said, I don't think acupuncture will cure cancer but I definitely think
it can help just about anything related to muscles or the nervous system.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Bob in socal wrote in

> FWIW, I had two discs removed and my spine fused. It lasted
> about 10 years and is now back with a vengence. They won't
> touch me again till I can't hold my bowels or bladder so they
> tell me as they don't know where to start at this time. I take
> Gin Martinis, Pulled pork, smoked brisket, breakfast Quiche and
> Vicodin for the condition. 8^)
> __
> Socal Bob

LOL, Bob that's pretty much what I do,
except I use Everclear and tea or kool-aid.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

Tyler Hopper wrote in

> Like I said, I don't think acupuncture will cure cancer but I
> definitely think it can help just about anything related to muscles or
> the nervous system.

I just might have to give that a try. Thanks for
the info, Tyler.

To E-mail me, you know what to do.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

On 1-Aug-2004, BigDog > wrote:

> Bob in socal wrote in
> > FWIW, I had two discs removed and my spine fused. It lasted
> > about 10 years and is now back with a vengence. They won't
> > touch me again till I can't hold my bowels or bladder so they
> > tell me as they don't know where to start at this time. I take
> > Gin Martinis, Pulled pork, smoked brisket, breakfast Quiche and
> > Vicodin for the condition. 8^)
> >
> >
> > __
> >
> > Socal Bob
> >

> LOL, Bob that's pretty much what I do,
> except I use Everclear and tea or kool-aid.
> --
> BigDog
> To E-mail me, you know what to do.

I know this is going to sound like a contest to see who can tell
the biggest/best lie, but I have a great aversion to letting Phd's
take a knife to me. In 1974 I rode a Honda 750 into a deep ditch
at a pretty good clip. Ended up wearing it on my head. Never did
go to the doctor, but I was instantly 1/2" shorter and hobbled
around like an 80 year old for the next several months. Years
later a routine chest xray showed two vertabrae fused together.
But I've never had any recurring trouble with my back.
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")

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-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

On 1-Aug-2004, BigDog > wrote:

> Bob in socal wrote in
> > FWIW, I had two discs removed and my spine fused. It lasted
> > about 10 years and is now back with a vengence. They won't
> > touch me again till I can't hold my bowels or bladder so they
> > tell me as they don't know where to start at this time. I take
> > Gin Martinis, Pulled pork, smoked brisket, breakfast Quiche and
> > Vicodin for the condition. 8^)
> >
> >
> > __
> >
> > Socal Bob
> >

> LOL, Bob that's pretty much what I do,
> except I use Everclear and tea or kool-aid.
> --
> BigDog
> To E-mail me, you know what to do.

I know this is going to sound like a contest to see who can tell
the biggest/best lie, but I have a great aversion to letting Phd's
take a knife to me. In 1974 I rode a Honda 750 into a deep ditch
at a pretty good clip. Ended up wearing it on my head. Never did
go to the doctor, but I was instantly 1/2" shorter and hobbled
around like an 80 year old for the next several months. Years
later a routine chest xray showed two vertabrae fused together.
But I've never had any recurring trouble with my back.
M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

On 2-Aug-2004, Bob in socal > wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 08:42:14 GMT, "M&M" >
> wrote:
> >
> >On 1-Aug-2004, BigDog > wrote:
> >
> >> Bob in socal wrote in
> >>
> >> > FWIW, I had two discs removed and my spine fused. It lasted
> >> > about 10 years and is now back with a vengence. They won't
> >> > touch me again till I can't hold my bowels or bladder so they
> >> > tell me as they don't know where to start at this time. I take
> >> > Gin Martinis, Pulled pork, smoked brisket, breakfast Quiche and
> >> > Vicodin for the condition. 8^)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > __
> >> >
> >> > Socal Bob
> >> >
> >> LOL, Bob that's pretty much what I do,
> >> except I use Everclear and tea or kool-aid.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> BigDog
> >> To E-mail me, you know what to do.

> >
> >I know this is going to sound like a contest to see who can tell
> >the biggest/best lie, but I have a great aversion to letting Phd's
> >take a knife to me. In 1974 I rode a Honda 750 into a deep ditch
> >at a pretty good clip. Ended up wearing it on my head. Never did
> >go to the doctor, but I was instantly 1/2" shorter and hobbled
> >around like an 80 year old for the next several months. Years
> >later a routine chest xray showed two vertabrae fused together.
> >But I've never had any recurring trouble with my back.

> Maybe I should try that, I'm 68 and still ride every day. 8^)
> __
> Socal Bob

I'm also 68 and there's no way I would chance a disaster like that
ditch trick I did in ''74. It would kill me for sure now.

M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Carpal tunnel surgery post-op report

On 2-Aug-2004, Bob in socal > wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 08:42:14 GMT, "M&M" >
> wrote:
> >
> >On 1-Aug-2004, BigDog > wrote:
> >
> >> Bob in socal wrote in
> >>
> >> > FWIW, I had two discs removed and my spine fused. It lasted
> >> > about 10 years and is now back with a vengence. They won't
> >> > touch me again till I can't hold my bowels or bladder so they
> >> > tell me as they don't know where to start at this time. I take
> >> > Gin Martinis, Pulled pork, smoked brisket, breakfast Quiche and
> >> > Vicodin for the condition. 8^)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > __
> >> >
> >> > Socal Bob
> >> >
> >> LOL, Bob that's pretty much what I do,
> >> except I use Everclear and tea or kool-aid.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> BigDog
> >> To E-mail me, you know what to do.

> >
> >I know this is going to sound like a contest to see who can tell
> >the biggest/best lie, but I have a great aversion to letting Phd's
> >take a knife to me. In 1974 I rode a Honda 750 into a deep ditch
> >at a pretty good clip. Ended up wearing it on my head. Never did
> >go to the doctor, but I was instantly 1/2" shorter and hobbled
> >around like an 80 year old for the next several months. Years
> >later a routine chest xray showed two vertabrae fused together.
> >But I've never had any recurring trouble with my back.

> Maybe I should try that, I'm 68 and still ride every day. 8^)
> __
> Socal Bob

I'm also 68 and there's no way I would chance a disaster like that
ditch trick I did in ''74. It would kill me for sure now.

M&M ("When You're Over The Hill You Pick Up Speed")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Just checking. I'd like to attend.


  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Just checking. I'd like to attend.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

TFM® wrote:

> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date, but so
far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to come, it would be
terrific. :-)

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

TFM® wrote:

> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date, but so
far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to come, it would be
terrific. :-)

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:
> TFM® wrote:
>> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date,
> but so far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to
> come, it would be terrific. :-)


Just looking for some sort of schedule for tickets and stuff.

See ya there.


  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:
> TFM® wrote:
>> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date,
> but so far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to
> come, it would be terrific. :-)


Just looking for some sort of schedule for tickets and stuff.

See ya there.


  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:

> It looks like October 10th. ....

Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:

> It looks like October 10th. ....

Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:
> Dave Bugg wrote:
>> It looks like October 10th. ....

> Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

Keep us posted as to any changes.

I'm marking this on the calendar in pencil. The farther in advance I get
the ticket, the cheaper.....ya know.

I'd drive my truck, but I'd have to leave it there. <G>


  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Dave Bugg wrote:
> Dave Bugg wrote:
>> It looks like October 10th. ....

> Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

Keep us posted as to any changes.

I'm marking this on the calendar in pencil. The farther in advance I get
the ticket, the cheaper.....ya know.

I'd drive my truck, but I'd have to leave it there. <G>


  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Big Jim
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> TFM® wrote:
> > Just checking. I'd like to attend.

> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date, but

> far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to come, it would

> terrific. :-)

Bugg, where the closest airport?
Fatty order 2 tickets/
Big Jim

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Big Jim
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> TFM® wrote:
> > Just checking. I'd like to attend.

> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date, but

> far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to come, it would

> terrific. :-)

Bugg, where the closest airport?
Fatty order 2 tickets/
Big Jim

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Big Jim wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> ...
>> TFM® wrote:
>>> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

>> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date,
>> but so far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to
>> come, it would be terrific. :-)

> Bugg, where the closest airport?
> Fatty order 2 tickets/

Hell, where we leaving from?


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Big Jim wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> ...
>> TFM® wrote:
>>> Just checking. I'd like to attend.

>> It looks like October 10th. I really am gun-shy giving a firm date,
>> but so far it seems to be holding up. If it works out for you to
>> come, it would be terrific. :-)

> Bugg, where the closest airport?
> Fatty order 2 tickets/

Hell, where we leaving from?


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Big Jim wrote:

> Bugg, where the closest airport?
> Fatty order 2 tickets/

Regional airport, right here in Wenatchee. Airport designation EAT. You'd
come into Seattle and then do a 30 minute hop to Wenatchee. Heck, Jim, if
you're able to get here, you need to come a few days early to help me smooth
out the rough edges. :-)

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Big Jim wrote:

> Bugg, where the closest airport?
> Fatty order 2 tickets/

Regional airport, right here in Wenatchee. Airport designation EAT. You'd
come into Seattle and then do a 30 minute hop to Wenatchee. Heck, Jim, if
you're able to get here, you need to come a few days early to help me smooth
out the rough edges. :-)

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Chef Juke
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 00:08:27 GMT, "TFM®" >

>Dave Bugg wrote:
>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> It looks like October 10th. ....

>> Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

>Keep us posted as to any changes.
>I'm marking this on the calendar in pencil. The farther in advance I get
>the ticket, the cheaper.....ya know.
>I'd drive my truck, but I'd have to leave it there. <G>


The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
somewhere (California).


Well, I will still be up there beforehand....and there is ALWAYS the
possibility that the annual event in CA that I am cooking for could be


-Chef Juke
"EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Chef Juke
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 00:08:27 GMT, "TFM®" >

>Dave Bugg wrote:
>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> It looks like October 10th. ....

>> Ooops. That *should* read October 9th. On a Saturday, not a Sunday

>Keep us posted as to any changes.
>I'm marking this on the calendar in pencil. The farther in advance I get
>the ticket, the cheaper.....ya know.
>I'd drive my truck, but I'd have to leave it there. <G>


The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
somewhere (California).


Well, I will still be up there beforehand....and there is ALWAYS the
possibility that the annual event in CA that I am cooking for could be


-Chef Juke
"EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Chef Juke wrote:

> The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
> somewhere (California).

Oh, well... But I'd like to have you come up about three weeks prior to our
opening after we get the kitchen equipment in place. We can spend a day
tweaking the layout for good flow between the counter, prep and cooking
areas. I'm thinking the 2 or 3rd week of September?

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Chef Juke wrote:

> The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
> somewhere (California).

Oh, well... But I'd like to have you come up about three weeks prior to our
opening after we get the kitchen equipment in place. We can spend a day
tweaking the layout for good flow between the counter, prep and cooking
areas. I'm thinking the 2 or 3rd week of September?

  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Chef Juke
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 18:58:11 -0700, "Dave Bugg"
<deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote:

>Chef Juke wrote:
>> The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
>> somewhere (California).

>Oh, well... But I'd like to have you come up about three weeks prior to our
>opening after we get the kitchen equipment in place. We can spend a day
>tweaking the layout for good flow between the counter, prep and cooking
>areas. I'm thinking the 2 or 3rd week of September?

Already have those weekends blocked out on my Calendar, Dave....don't
need but one day of warning either....

-Chef Juke
"EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"

  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Chef Juke
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 18:58:11 -0700, "Dave Bugg"
<deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote:

>Chef Juke wrote:
>> The ONLY, and I mean ONLY weekend in OCTOBER that I have to be
>> somewhere (California).

>Oh, well... But I'd like to have you come up about three weeks prior to our
>opening after we get the kitchen equipment in place. We can spend a day
>tweaking the layout for good flow between the counter, prep and cooking
>areas. I'm thinking the 2 or 3rd week of September?

Already have those weekends blocked out on my Calendar, Dave....don't
need but one day of warning either....

-Chef Juke
"EVERYbody Eats When They Come To MY House!"

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Chef Juke wrote:

> Already have those weekends blocked out on my Calendar, Dave....don't
> need but one day of warning either....

I promise to give you at least a day and 1/2.... <G>

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a
Default Dave Bugg's opening date??

Chef Juke wrote:

> Already have those weekends blocked out on my Calendar, Dave....don't
> need but one day of warning either....

I promise to give you at least a day and 1/2.... <G>

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